Breaking up.

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Ivan was trying to cope with his life.

He had been promoted recently, meaning that now he had his own office. It wasn't full of luxuries but it was better than the shared cubicles he was in. Sure he met Tolys there so the experience hadn't been so bad.

This office was a good way of indulging in his wish to seclude himself. He was accustomed to have his own space since he was a child. Paradoxically, he was sharing his apartment with Tolys and that had evolved in a slow process of Ivan adjusting to the new company.

He didn't mind sharing the place, Tolys made it look less generic, more warm and cozy; the problem was spending time together. Ivan felt guilty but there were days or hours of the day when he wanted to be alone and Tolys was usually around. The promotion didn't help much, Ivan had to take some of his work to finish at home, and that meant he needed to focus on that and not on his partner.

"We need to talk."

Those three words were Ivan's worst nightmare, he had heard them so many times through his not so long life that this time, he couldn't stop himself from cringing at the sound of them.

He didn't want to have this conversation right now, not right here. His office was like a sanctuary if Tolys wanted to talk they could do at home, in the living room or the dining table. Yes, that was the place to deliver important or sentimental words, it was there where you'd show your parents your bad grades, where you'd discuss with friends about your financial problems, where you'd get the news of grandma's death, you didn't do any of those things in an office, so why would Tolys decide to disturb him at work?

A brief look at Tolys told him that he had to bear with the situation, the brunette was in the doorframe, wearing one of his usual formal suits, crossing his arms and frowning.

Ivan sighed, pulling aside a stock of unfilled papers. "What is the matter?"

Tolys stepped inside closing the door behind him. "Ivan we both know this isn't working."

There it was, the same old discourse, a long string of apologetic words, telling him how it wasn't his fault, how the relationship had grown cold and now, it was time to part ways.

Ivan couldn't say he didn't expect it, he was astonished that Tolys had stayed so long with him. The guy was patient, sweet and caring but Ivan had to focus on his work, it wasn't his fault that he got a promotion, unlike Tolys, he couldn't spare a weekday to have a romantic date anymore, he couldn't refuse to deliver the reports his boss requested.

Ivan met Tolys gaze, the brunette was talking heatedly, his cheeks were slightly flushed, he looked really good like that, it was a shame that he wouldn't have the chance to see that face but under very different circumstances again.

Tolys hand brushed past his own and Ivan focused back in the brunette's words. "You aren't even listening to me."

"I'm sorry." Ivan glanced at the closed door, they shouldn't be having this conversation in here. The brunette was seated in front of him, looking intently at him, this was way too close to be considered professional.

Tolys' hand retreated, his voice was slightly louder. "No, Ivan, this is what I was talking about, you look like you are here but you are not. I know you have a lot of things to do, I know how important your work is but I can't spend my life with someone who doesn't care about anything but himself."

Ouch, that was hurtful and strangely new. Ivan hoped the people outside weren't able to hear them.

Tolys straightened his posture and continued. "You have to get your life together and I am not willing to wait until you do it. You have to commit if you want a relationship to last. I'm sorry Ivan but it's better if we end our relationship now, before it turns into something worse."

The last words were echoing in Ivan's mind, something worse, did that mean that they currently had a messed up relationship?

The brunette shifted in his seat. "Ivan, did you hear what I said?"

Yes, every word of it was in Ivan's memory now. He wanted to nod, to give an affirmative answer, but his mind betrayed his will and he ended up saying the most stupid thing he could say.


Tolys gave a long exasperated sight. "Really? Ivan we barely see each other, we have no common interests and you refuse to participate in any activity I propose. I always end up compelling with your plans, and at this point, I think you only put up with me because you don't want to be lonely."

Ivan felt a slight prickle of pain in his chest, hearing the truth was hard. He nodded slowly and replied calmly. "Oh, alright then."

Tolys shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. The thing about him, that Ivan couldn't stand, was his nervous demeanor, he always seemed to be scared or anxious, and Ivan felt as if he had something else to tell him. The thought of him being scared offended him, how could he think that Ivan would hurt him? But Ivan couldn't blame him, it was just natural that Tolys would be scared to break up with him, he was taller and stronger, Perhaps that's why he chose this place.

Ivan glanced at the clock in the wall and sighed. "Tolys, I am sorry I made you waste your time."

After those words, the brunette opened his eyes noticeably, he shook his head and muttered. "You didn't. It's just.... it didn't work... I'm sorry."

Ivan couldn't stand to look at him so he focused on the plant by the window. "No do not apologize, it's my fault- "

The brunette loosened his tie. "No, you... I'm sorry, you deserve to know...I.. I met someone else and.. I'm sorry."

Ivan only stared at Tolys, what else could he possibly do? He didn't know what was worse, Tolys way of delivering the news or his own words. "Well, I hope you are happy."

Seriously, what was happening to him? he worked in a godforsaken embassy, his work consisted in delivering difficult situations and smothering them with the right words. Why was his brain making him say all those stupid things?

A gasp escaped from the brunette. "You don't care at all?"

"No, Tolys I do care but-"

He interrupted, waving his hand. "No, just... leave it like that, it's better."

Tolys steps echoed in the wooden floor.. "Goodbye Ivan."

Ivan didn't glance back at him, he was both furious and humiliated. The pile of papers in the desk mocking him.

When the door closed, Ivan was left alone with his thoughts. He should have expected something like this would happen sooner or later. He decided to dive back into his pile of work if he didn't pay attention to anything else it would be just as if nothing had happened, right?

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