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"Brother, you have some explaining to do."

Ivan wasn't pleased to talk with her.

Not when he had been sleeping soundly after a night of overthinking and binge-watching the first series that his computer showed. The Russian admitted that wasn't the best choice he could take, but at least he had refrained from touching the bottle of vodka in his fridge.

His sister's disapproving glance told him that his disheveled appearance was obvious. Not everyone was on his pajamas at 3 pm. Ivan couldn't care any less, except for the fact that it was his dear little sister seeing him like that.

For some reason talking with Natalya has always been hard. Katya was the one he'd come crying to, not Natalya. He had tried to keep up with the appearance of the strong and serious big brother. She had always praised him when they were children, he didn't want to shatter that illusion showing his vulnerability to her. Ironically, she's the first to know if something in Ivan's life is going wrong. It's as if she could read his thoughts and see right through his facade without actually seeing him in person.

Ivan fidgeted with his fingers, not meeting his sister's piercing blue eyes. "I've already told you everything is fine, why would I lie to you? -he looked at the screen, Natalia was frowning- Now, tell me how are you dealing with university life?"

For a moment, Ivan thought that she wouldn't answer, that the connection was lost but the tapping of her fingers on the table told him that she was thinking her reply, her eyes were fixed on him, scrutinizing him. "It's different, like your apartment. I see that Tolys' horrible vase is gone."

Dumbfounded, Ivan looked back, the dining table was indeed empty. He frowned. "Yes, you know what else is missing Natalia? Boris, Boris is gone and I can't find him."

She shook her head, knitting her eyebrows together. "Boris is not gone, you haven't searched in the most obvious place."

Ivan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he'd never liked the sofa, it was too soft and he felt like a child in there. "Alfred was here."

Natalya sighed, taking a hold of her phone and stating sternly. "I talked with Tolys."

Ivan tried not to frown, he knew that Natalya had good intentions but she didn't have to keep tabs on him like that, he whined. "what? why?"

"Because he posted a picture with this unknown guy and the cat, so I asked him why he wasn't with you."

How did she know what Tolys posted? Ivan wasn't sure if he wanted to know. "Natalya-"

She interrupted, leaving his phone on the table, and nearing the screen as if to watch him closely. "And he told me that you broke up."

Ivan shrugged, trying to lead the conversation. "Well, that's true I-"

Frustration was all over her face, her voice carried indignation that Ivan could not understand. "He said that you were fine with it, that he had moved out and the day after, returned for something and found Boris outside, that he tried calling you but you didn't answer him."

The Russian blinked, processing the information, it was his own fault that Boris was missing. "Oh"

She nodded and huffed. "So, I told him he was cursed and stopped talking to him."

Natalya always joked about witchcraft, scaring some of his friends in High School, Ivan snickered, finding the situation oddly familiar."Cursed?"

The Russian felt guilty when Natalya's voice grew weaker, and her lips quivered. "Yes because how dare he tell me that my dear brother was fine when he wouldn't answer his calls, that's obviously concerning."

"But I'm fine." He tried to reassure her, Natalya looked so similar to Katya at the moment.

"You'd talk about it if you were fine."

He sighed, glancing at the fridge and the bright yellow note still glued to it. "But I already did, Alfred was here and he listened to me. You don't have to worry."

Natalya pouted, crossing her arms. "You look tired and you forgot the video call with Katya."

Ivan paused, he did forget to call them. That explained why they were so concerned.

Natalya's voice was soft. "Vanya, what is wrong?"

He looked up, finally meeting her gaze. "Natalya, I think I was a douche with Tolys."


He glanced at the empty table behind him, muttering his answer. "I kind of ignored him so I could work."

She huffed. "That's stupid. You've always been diligent, he knew that since the beginning. He said he liked your hard-working attitude. You can't pay the rent if you don't work"

Ivan fidgeted with his hands. "I know, but-"

"Weren't you paying for all?"

He nodded. "Yes, but it was a deal, he had to pay some debts and I got recently promoted, it was just for a couple of months. I'm not going to rub that on his face because I agreed to it. What we did not agree, was to constantly cancel everything because I had to stay more time at work. I don't blame him, sister, we spent about two hours together per day."

"Ivan, that doesn't give him the right to cheat on you. Don't justify him."
He pondered on her words, they held some truth but he still felt guilty."I know, but he doesn't deserve to be cursed."

Natalya's voice was firm, her eyes fixed on the screen. "Brother, I think you wanted to end that relationship long ago but you couldn't."

Ivan couldn't hold his gaze, he shook his head. "Natalya, I don't know, I was somehow relieved when he said we should break up but then he said he knew I didn't love him back and I felt bad, because he was hurt, and when he said he was with someone else I was angry. If I wanted that relationship to end, why would I care about those things?"

She tapped her fingers on the table, stating bluntly. "Easy, you are human, you do care about Tolys and well, you do feel jealousy. Completely normal. But you have to overcome it."

Ivan nodded, unsure of what to reply.

The tapping of her fingers stopped, her eyes were gentle and she smiled. "Brother, you can't be the almighty provider just as father was to us, that's a figure of the past. You have to share and split the economic duties equally and stop being a workaholic.

The Russian looked up, confused. "Workaholic?"

Natalya's smile was brighter but her voice was stern. "Yes, I think Tolys relied too much on you, perhaps he didn't mean to but he didn't ask you not to support him, and that's his fault, I told you he was weak-willed." -She sighed- "Nevertheless, you do have to pay more attention to others, especially your partners. Your relationships don't last, If I'm not wrong, Alfred was with you the longest but you'd also complain a lot more about how he'd refused to let you pay the bills. Brother, you have to remember that you are working to live and not living to work."

Ivan smiled, how weird it was for him to get advice from her. "Thank you, Natalya."

Natalya nodded, waving her hand. "I love you brother but you have to take care of yourself when no one is around. Take a shower and call Tolys, ask him to bring Boris back. We'll talk later. Don't forget to talk with Katya."

He nodded and the call was ended.

Talking with her did change his gloomy attitude. Deciding to follow her instructions he texted Tolys. Receiving the latter's request to retrieve the cat himself. Ivan chuckled, apparently, Boris was giving the brunette a hard time.

Ivan wondered is he should let Tolys be tormented by the fluffy cat another day but refrained from it. It was better not to delay this task anymore.

He headed to the bathroom. Perhaps Tolys could bear with Boris for a couple of hours more, the prospect of a long relaxing bath seemed more appealing to Ivan than to reach Tolys' new home right away.

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