"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out? Because that's what she did."

        Wow. This girl really is a sociopath.

        "So, Kate's a werewolf now?" Kira asks.

        "I don't know." Scott's eyes squint together a little as he thinks it over. "You know, there's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are."

        Derek said something about that during our first training. Werewolves aren't the only shapeshifters out there. He said that he once bit a kid named Jackson and he turned into this scaly lizard called the kanima. 

        "What shape is a sociopathic bitch?" Lydia snickers.

        The jeep suddenly veers to the side, like we hit something. My head jerks forward from the impact it has on the jeep. Stiles tries to regain control of the wheel and slams on the brakes. Up ahead, through a cloud of sand, Braeden, who has been given the job to take us to The Church, drives her motorcycle back to us. 

        Scott and Stiles scramble out of the jeep, immediately checking to see what we hit. I nudge Kira in the side for her to climb out faster. Once we're all out, I rush to the front of the jeep. There's nothing there. It definitely felt like we hit something.

        Braeden marches up to the jeep with her arms spread out. "What happened?"

        "I don't know. It felt like we hit something." Stiles yells to her, checking over his beloved jeep.

        "Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise." Braeden motions to her bike behind her.

        Stiles waves his hand at Scott. He knows how important this is. "Go."

        "Not without you." 

        I walk over to Scott, pushing on his side. "Scott, go. Someone needs to find Derek."

        "We'll figure something out. We always do." Stiles nods along with what I said. He runs his hands over his jeep for any kind of indentation. "Just go."

          Scott stares at Stiles, not understanding that he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. Derek is supposedly at The Church. If he doesn't do like Braeden says, we could be too late in saving Derek. Stiles pats Scott's arm.


        Kira rushes forward, calling Scott's name. 

        I ignore the two lovebirds and go back to examining the jeep. I walk to the backside, thinking that maybe whatever we hit would have ended up behind us. There's nothing there. I wander back to where Stiles is standing. Kira and Scott have departed and Scott is riding off with Braeden.

        Malia crouches down by the front tire. 

        I peer at the smoking engine that Stiles is trying to fix. He better get it fixed before the sun goes completely down. 

      "Stiles." Malia stands up with some kind of tooth in her hand. A very large tooth about the length of my hand. "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us."


        The sun has officially set and we are stuck in the middle of nowhere. Stiles has been working on the jeep's engine this entire time. Malia swears that there's something out there with us. We have no idea if Scott and Braeden got to The Church or not. I pace in front of the jeep, worry flowing through my veins. What if the jeep doesn't start working again? What if whatever is out there with us, comes after us?

Becoming The Vixen (Teen Wolf)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt