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They say you cannot hide love no matter how hard you try. Ahjumma Doo min noticed this when she finally resumed work at the mansion. She was curious to see for herself how much Jimin and Taehyung's relationship had progressed but she was definitely not prepared for what hit her next.

The side glances, the lingering gazes, the far away looks...she saw them all. Jimin had changed. He did things by himself now without waiting for her or anyone else. He took up cooking dinner everyday. He started to return to work but he stayed home twice and on every weekend.

It was during those times that Ahjumma Doo min noticed what was going on between them. It's not like they could hide it. It was obvious. Sometimes, she would catch Taehyung walking past Jimin's office when he was fast asleep on the table and staring at him him far longer than normal. Ahjumma Doo min sometimes caught him stroking the other's cheeks with an absent smile on his face.

She would also catch Jimin with a stupid smile on his face whenever Taehyung was escorting Mintae to the car to drop him off at school or how he giggled at the slightest thing Taehyung did or said. It was puzzling because this wasn't the Jimin of one month ago. Not at all. Now, he seemed a lot happier and he smiled more.

One afternoon, Ahjumma Doo min silently watched Jimin, Mintae and Taehyung. They where sitting in the living room and Taehyung was peeling oranges. Jimin's eyes where glued on Taehyung, a small smile forming on his lips as he placed his hand under his chin with a far away look on his face. Suddenly, Taehyung got cut by the knife. He yelped in pain as small blood oozed from the wound.

Doo min was standing behind them. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jimin jump from where he had sat with a panicked expression on his face as he rushed to Taehyung. He suddenly held the bleeding finger in his hand and stuck it into his mouth sucking on it

Ahjumma Doo min gasped

Mintae gasped.

Even Taehyung himself gasped.

Reddening with embarrassment, Jimin removed the dry finger from his mouth.

"Sorry, I don't know why I did that" he muttered before chewing his lower lip. "Anyway, you have to do that to stop the bleeding right away"

He wanted to leave but Taehyung grabbed him back and they where looking straight into each other's eyes.

"Thanks Jimin" he said softly.

Ahjumma Doo min saw Jimin blush. She had never ever seen him blush ever since she knew him.

"Em...let me get something to cover the cut" he said. He took the orange and the plate from him then dropped it on the table before proceeding to get the small first aid kit. Doo min pretended like her mind wasn't with them but when Jimin returned to Taehyung, he kept handling his hand with extreme care. She even saw him giggle a couple of times and they kept sharing glances. It was obvious that Jimin was oblivious to what he was doing.

Doo min couldn't handle the scene anymore. She felt like she was intruding upon their privacy so she walked back to the kitchen and met Jungkook already cooking. She needed to unburden herself to someone. Maybe Jungkook would understand so she purposely walked towards him.

"Jungkookie, haven't you noticed something weird ever since we returned to serve Master park and Master Kim?"

Jungkook said nothing

"It's those two. They seem to be getting along pretty well but then they've gotten so close. It's like I don't know..."

Jungkook smirked. "Don't pretend not to notice. It's that obvious" he blurted out.

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