Forty six

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The doctors checked Taehyung up and discovered that everything was fine. The only issue was that he had to regain his motor movement since he had been  staying in one place for almost two months so he began rehabilitation that would keep him in the hospital for quite some time.

However, one by one everyone was alerted that Taehyung had finally woken up. They where overcome with joy and soon they all flooded the hospital just to see him. Reporters got wind that Taehyung had eventually woken up from his coma. They wrote all kinds of reports on it. The media was agog because everyone was of the belief that he wasn't going to make it. Sunmi came and when she saw Taehyung, she wouldn't stop touching him, she was just too much that Jimin had to twist his face in displeasure. When she eventually left, Jimin sighed in relief. The next person that came was Jin. He was happy to see Taehyung alive. The two of them had a lengthy private conversation, after which he left. Yoongi came as well but he didn't say much but seemed happy that Taehyung was alive. He didn't hate him that much to wish him death.

Mintae cried in Taehyung's arms for two straight hours after he saw him in the hospital.

"Papa! Papa!" He cried wrapping his arms around his neck desperately as he shed tears. Taehyung lovingly patted him for hours as if trying to assure him that he was really okay. He was happy that finally Mintae was calling him papa. That day, Mintae refused to leave his side. He stayed with him and even slept on the hospital bed beside him.

That night, Taehyung stared into his son's face still doubting that he actually survived. He could recall that moment when the blast happened and his vision went dark. That was the time he got trapped between life and death. His anxiety felt worse and he knew he was barely holding on.

However,he remembered that he had dreams of Jimin holding his hands, kissing them as tears ran down his cheeks. He could hear his sorrowful voice in his ear whispering for him to wake up as his finger tips smoothly caressed his cheek. Those dreams felt too real

On this night that Mintae was with him, Jimin was there as well and they both looked at each other for a while, an awkwardness hanging in the air around them. Taehyung had the feeling Jimin wanted to talk to him but since there where always people around them, he couldn't do that and just had to hold in whatever he wanted to say.

Now, there was a heavy silence hanging in the air between them until Jimin broke it.

"I know" he simply said.

Taehyung stared at him. "Know what?"

Jimin rolled his eyes impatiently "I know everything. I know what really happened ten years ago. I know about your mental health problems. I know that Kim Cha Ha is your step mother and has been after your life for many years. I know everything Tae..."

Taehyung was quiet until he mumbled. "Who told you?"

"Jungkook! I pressured him into telling me everything"

Taehyung sighed heavily. "I wanted to keep you out of it...."

"It wasn't your call. You should have told me especially when you knew about Mintae. It's obvious that Mrs Kim isn't only after you but me and Mintae as well because of our connection to you. We have to stick together if we hope to defeat her"

Taehyung shook his head. "You don't understand.... I've been through a lot and I don't want you and our son to be a target of Kim Cha Ha. See what happened as soon as she found out about you two "

Jimin sighed. "We are already targets Taehyung but this time around, no more running"

He smiled and reached out for Taehyung's hand. The latter stretched out his hand towards him and when Jimin held it, he squeezed it softly.

Beneath Your Beauty (Vmin)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें