Scolded By Silver

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Jim was mopping the deck back and
forth with a frown on his face as he said to himself sarcastically.

"Yeah, I got your Mr. Mop."

A grey four-armed alien was walking behind Jim and then shoved him out of the way when he got to close. Jim being shoved so bard went close to the Higgins and balanced himself before he could fall off the ship and looked at the alien in both shock and anger. The alien turned around and said in a very deep voice.

"Watch it, twerp."

Jim watched as the four-armed aliens walked away before hearing very loud whispering nearby, he glanced over and found three people standing around a barrel and whispering about something. Being curious Jim started to pretend to mop as he glanced over every once in a while to watch them, but it didn't work out because the very large one Mr. Snuff saw him looking and patted his buddies to stop talking. Jim stopped mopping and stared at them fully now, the one with the beard and a green hat crossed his arms over his chest and questioned him with a gravelly voice.

"What are you looking at the weirdo."

He then lifted himself with the hair and crawled off of the body and onto the barrel, as the fourth pirate appeared as he uncrossed his arms and leaned against the barrel as he agreed with the green hat in a nicely.

"Yeah, weirdo."

Jim stared at them with wide eyes and thought to himself why was he the weird one when they were clearly weirder then he will ever be. Jim heard a hissing sound and glanced around, he then heard someone coming down from the Higgins and glanced up and found a spider thing coming down it. His yellow beady eyes narrowing on him as he said.

"Cabin boys should learn to mind they're own business."

Jim smirked and started wiping the deck as he glanced at the group behind him and back to the spider thing as he said with a smug voice.

"Why got something to hide bright eyes?"

The spider thing growled lowly and picked up Jim by hid shirt, making Jim drop the mop on the floor. The spider thing stood at seven feet as he brought Jim close to his face and said.

"Maybe your ears don't work so well."

Jim struggled a little to get away from the spider's grapes as he leaned his head away to the side after smelling an awful smell coming from the spider things breath as he said sarcastically.

"To bad my nose works just fine."

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