Tears and Stew

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It was later in the evening, after Silver had forced Jim to peel potatoes, clean the barracks, the halls and even the kitchen that it was finally dinner time. Jim was leaning against the rail on the top deck looking up at the stars in slight wonder, even though he had been in space for a few months he still couldn't get over how beautiful they still looked. Jim frowned slightly as he thought back to his home planet, they probably didn't even notice he was missing was all he thought solemnly.

The only person that crossed his mind at the moment was his mother, would she still even think about him after everything he's put her through? Will she even recognize him when he comes back home? He let out a sigh and rested his elbow on the railing, before laying his head in the palm of his hand as he whispered softly to the stars and to his mother.

"I'm still here."

Annie was in the galley watching in amusement as two of the crew members began to arm wrestle each other, a few of the other crew members takings bets on who would win. She walked away from the rukus and over to where Silver was behind the counter dishing out dinner, Annie smiled at the old cyborg as she greeted him with a small wave.

"Hello Silver, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Oh, it's steamed potatoes and some roast beef." Silver told the girl with his signature lazy smile.

"It smells fantastic as always." Annie complimented him as she took a whiff of the air.

Silver smiled bashfully at the teenage girl before looking at a crew member and handing him a bowl, Annie looked around the galley now realizing her certain brown eyes friend wasn't there. Annie turned to look at Silver as she asked him with slight worry.

"Where's Jim?"

"Jimbo went up top to get some air lassie." Silver said as he nodded his head towards the stairs that lead to the top deck. "Are ye having two bowels or one tonight?"

"Did Jim eat at all?" Annie asked as she glanced at the stairs before looking up at Silver with an eyebrow raised.

When Silver shook his head no, she held up two fingers signifying that she wanted two bowls. Silver handed her the two bowls and with a quick thank you in the cooks direction she scurried up the stairs to see the trouble making boy.

Annie looked around the top deck for about five minutes before she found Jim leaning against the railing, she paused for a minute when she saw how deep in thought the boy was. That is until she saw the troubled look on his face, thinking quickly Annie walked over to him and decided to try to joke with him lightly.

"You know Delbert had that same look on his face the other day when he thought about that suit the double headed saleswoman sold him."

Jim jumped slightly in shock at hearing her voice before turning around slightly to look at her, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her small joke before he said.

"Well he should've known better."

The two both laughed softly at this and Annie stood right beside him, she smiled up at him as she placed a bowl of stewed potatoes and roast beef.

"I got you something to eat." Annie said as she watched Jim take the bowl from her.

"Thanks, are you eating as well?" Jim questioned the girl when he saw her own bowl in her hands.

"Yeah I thought we could eat together." Annie told him with a warm smile, before she paused and then said teasingly. "Unless you don't want too."

Jim's eyes widened when he heard this and he freaked out slightly, thinking she was serious as he exclaimed to her.

"No I want to, let's eat right now."

"I'm just teasing no need to take it so seriously." Annie laughed out as she leaned her back against the railing.

The two stood in comfortable silence as they ate, occasionally looking up at the stars or at each other when the other wasn't looking. Annie was thinking about how Jim was looking earlier, he looked pretty upset about whatever he was thinking about. Even in this comfortable silence she could still feel that he was still upset from his earlier thoughts. Jim on the other hand was still thinking about how no one will remember him or even miss him, but the thoughts lessened with Annie by his side.

"Hey Jim." Annie whispered, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah Annie?" Jim asked back with a raised brow as he looked down at her.

Annie had a serious expression, one which she only used when she was focusing on her charts or maps. Jim knew that whatever Annie was going to ask or say was going to be serious, so he braced himself for this adult conversation he was going to have with her. One of the first of many, he couldn't help but think.

"You looked pretty upset when I saw you, do you want to talk about it?" Annie questioned him, as she crossed her arms over her chest, her bowl now empty.

Jim foze for a second, taking in what she said before realizing that she saw how upset he had been. Embarrassing him a little and making him wonder and doubt himself whether he should tell her not, Jim knew that he could trust Annie, he knew that she wouldn't go blabbing his secrets or concerns to other crew members. But on the other hand Jim wanted to seem manly and strong in front of the beautiful girl sailor. He let out a sigh rubbing his face tiredly as he said looking out at the night sky once more.

"I was thinking about home, how everyone there must be happy now that I'm gone. I mean I wasn't the best person to be around, I was always getting into trouble with the law and everyone was always so guarded around me."

Annie frowned slightly when she heard this, Jim glanced down at her to see if she was still listening. When he saw that she was he continued on.

"I mean even my mom was so close to giving up on me before I found the map, and it makes me wonder sometimes if she's....." he paused, he couldn't get it out for a few seconds before he stuttered out. "If she's happy that I'm gone."

Annie felt a few tears slip from her eyes when she heard Jim say this, dropping the wooden bowl to the ground and she wrapped Jim up in a big hug. Jim stood there in shock for a few seconds before hugging her back, feeling a few tears of his slip out. They stood like that, hugging each other for a minute before Annie pulled away slightly arms still tightly wrapped around his middle as she told him

"I'm sure your mom misses you more than anything. And I know for a fact that she's probably waiting for you to come home, that she's still there for you."

Jim gave her a small smile as he wiped his tears away with his shoulder, before pulling Annie into another hug. Annie let out a laugh and hugged him again, knowing he needed it.

"You really think so?" Jim mumbled into her hair, uncertainty in his voice.

"I do, and if she's not. Just know that I'm still here for you." Annie whispered to him, her head resting on his chest.

"Thank you Annie, that really means a lot to me." Jim told her honestly, thinking about just before she got here that he said something similar.

Annie broke away from the hug and Jim reluctantly released her, Annie wiped her tears away before giving Jim a small smile as she picked up her bowl and spoon she dropped as she joked with the boy.

"We should probably bring our bowls back down to the galley before Silver comes searching for them."

"He's just going to have me clean them." Jim teased the girl, but he knew the truth behind his words.

"Well it is your job, cabin boy." Annie teased back with a laugh, as she stood up and pushed his shoulder before turning and walking towards the galley.

Jim couldn't help but let out a laugh and watch her go for a couple seconds. He turned to look at the night sky and whispered a good night mom in his head before chasing after the girl who once again pulled him through another rough spot. Hopefully he could repay her somehow.

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