The Fire & The Great Escape

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Rain fell on the diamond-shaped windowpane as lightning flashed through the darkened sky. It flickered for a moment and turned a beach near the shore before it changed once more to a field of red and yellow flowers with a bright blue sky above them. Delbert slipped one arm through his coat, then the other, he watched as Sarah walked forwards away from the wall. She then sat down on the chair as she placed her elbow on the table and rested her forehead in her palm.

"Thanks for listening to Delbert." She says as she let out a sigh. "It helps."

Delbert stared at her with concern and sympathy as he picked up his books, he held them in one hand as he stood in front of her and placed a hand on her back as he said.

"It's going to be okay, you'll see."

He then patted her back as he walked away from Sarah, Sarah looked to the side with a somber expression as she picks up her locket as she says.

"I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door and..." She paused and opened the locket and a video of Jim crawling as a baby showed as more memories of Jim as he aged. "There he'll be just the way he was, a smiling happy little boy holding a new pet and begging me to let him keep it." She told Delbert with a tearful smile.

Delbert smiled at her, he was about to say something to cheer her up for the night as he opened the front door to the inn. Thunder crackled through the sky as lightning flashed afterward, showing a soaked Jim standing in the rain carrying Billy Bones at his side. Delbert stared at him in shock and Sarah gasped rather loudly, she stood up and rushed to the door as she exclaimed.

"James Pleiades Hawkins!"

"Mom he's hurt bad," Jim told her as he dragged Billy Bones farther into the inn and rested him on the ground.

Billy Bones opened his dimming yellow eyes as he told Jim, reaching out for his chest.

"Me chest lad."

Jim slid the chest over to Billy Bones, the salamander's expression was one of relief and grief. He put in the password as he breathed out heavily to the people trying to help him.

"He'll be coming soon." The chest opened and he reached inside and took out a clothed wrapped sphere. "We can't let them find this." He told them.

"Who's coming?" Jim questioned the salamander in confusion.

Billy Bones pulled Jim by his jacket and shirt again towards his face, as he whispered in Jim's ear.

"The cyborg. Beware the cyborg."

Jim's face turned into slight fear and thought, Billy Bones started to lose his breath for a couple of seconds until he finally stopped breathing and fell to the ground. Jim stared down at the salamander with a different amount of emotions, fear, curiosity, and shock that he gave him the cloth wrapped sphere. Sarah covered her face as she gasped in shock and sadness as she covered her stomach, Delbert was still in shock from opening the door.

They heard the groaning of a ship's engine above them, causing them to look away from the dead body and towards the ceiling. Sarah gasped as she moved her body slightly towards the stairs, Jim stood up and Delbert still stood in his place. Jim moved towards the window and put his body against the wall, grabbing onto the crank he opened the red and yellow flower window a smidge and glanced out of it finding a group of men with guns walking towards the inn when lightning shot through the sky. Jim's blue eyes widen and he closed the window and ran away from the window as he yelled to Delbert and his mother.

"Quick we gotta go!"

Jim grabbed his mother's hand and dragged her up the stairs quickly, Delbert reached to open the door to see what was happening when a purple laser shot through the door. Causing him to quickly turn around and run up the stairs after Sarah and Jim as he yelled to Sarah.

"I believe I'm with Jim on this one!"

The laser shot again and it shot the large fire that was burning inside a lamp, causing it to drop to the ground dropping the flames and coal onto the wooden floor. The door flew open and you could hear the chatter on the first floor and the breaking of things. A shadow hovered over Billy Bones' body and the opened empty chest beside him and stared at it.

A window burst open on the second floor of the Benbow Inn by Delbert as he called down to his stead, who was moving excitedly below them.

"Delilah! Delilah! Stay don't move!"

You could hear more crashing from coming below and questions of where the sphere was at, suddenly you could hear a booming voice yell out.

"Find it!"

Jim stared at the shadows running up the stairs, their guns obvious in the shadows making his heartbeat erratically. He turned when he heard Delbert's voice tell his mother something, he watched as they both climbed on the window sill as Delbert explains.

"Don't worry Sarah! I'm an expert in the laws of physical science on the count of three. One...."

Delbert started counting when they were pushed off as Jim shouted, all three falling towards the chariot.


They landed safely in the chariot, the sun-roof comes up from the amount of force all of three of them caused shielding them from the rain. Delbert stands to grab the reins as he whipped it and yelled loudly to his stead.

"Go, Delilah! Go!"

Sarah holds onto Jim's arm tightly as flames erupted inside the Benbow Inn. Once they were far enough away from the inn, Sarah stood in the chariot and looked out of the side of it and stared in shock and sadness as the Benbow Inn burned to the ground. Sarah sat back down and Jim watched his mother in concern, Sarah sighed deeply and rested her head in her hand. Jim looked away from his mother and towards the sphere wrapped in grey cloth, he untied it and took the cloth off and looked at the odd-looking sphere in awe wondering why they were after this.

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