Chapter One

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Drayce laughed heartily as he left the Forest of the Lost. His best friend Caelum was standing there waiting for him. Drayce tossed the bag to him.

“What has you laughing so hard?” Caelum asked raising an eyebrow.

“I just met the Remulite princess.” Drayce replied chuckling.

Caelum groaned and tipped his head back covering his eyes. “Let me guess. You got frisky?”

“No Caelum!” Drayce pretended to be offended. “But I made sure she was thoroughly perplexed.”

Caelum smiled slightly. He tried to be the responsible one out the two, but they both knew that he was just as bad as Drayce.

“She kept demanding to know who I was,” Drayce said “I mysteriously told her that she would know eventually.” He said it mysteriously. Caelum started laughing.

Yeah, they were the definition of irresponsibility, but hey, what was life without a little fun?

They started walking back to town.

“Scruff said that we’re on duty fourth hour.” Caelum said. Scruff was their squad leader. Drayce didn’t really know where the nickname came from, or what Scruff’s real name was, but went with it.

“So, we got two hours. What do you want to do till then?” Drayce said.

Well we could do the usual, torture local merchants, get in extra training, or do nothing and whistle at the occasional girl to make them blush.” Caelum said a matter-of-factly.

“Well we’ve already tortured the local merchants. If we do it again, we might be arrested. Non knows how that would turn out.” Drayce said “And I feel like destroying you on the training field so… “Drayce put his finger to his chin in mock thoughtfulness.

Caelum rolled his eyes. “Not if I destroy you first. Which we know will happen.”

“In your dreams!” Drayce shot back. Let’s go back to the barracks first. I have to grab my training sword. Wouldn’t want to fully stab you through.”

Caelum laughed. “Right. We both know you want to Drayce.”

Drayce gasped. “How did you know?”

They both laughed amiably as they made their way down the street. Soon they walked into camp. They arrived at their army barracks. There wasn’t a war going on at the moment, because one just ended with the Istheos. That one had not been pretty. It had lasted for eight years. That was the only reason that Caelum and Drayce had been drafted, even though they were nobility. Kamasia was still recovering. The army was still replenishing and training new recruits.

Drayce unbuckled his sword dropping it to the floor. It rolled slightly coming to a stop. Drayce breathed out sharply. His sword suddenly shot across the floor. Drayce stepped back in surprise. It rolled and hit Caelum in the back of the ankles. Luckily it was still in the scabbard.

“What in the world…” Caelum said reaching down and picking up the sword. He held it up. “Why did you throw your sword at me?”

Drayce panicked. He thought he was getting better at controlling that. “I didn’t. It just rolled across the floor.”

“Yeah right.” Caelum said. “If it hadn’t been in the scabbard, I would have gashes in both my ankles!”

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