23 ❁ delusions

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"H-have you been drinking?" Taehyung asked him as Taehyung quietly made his way inside his father's car, he cleared his throat and shut the door beside him. His father almost instantly drove off. "No, completely sober today." His father insisted as he made his way onto the main road.

"I can smell the tequila on you from here, I don't care if you get another DUI arrest, but I'd rather not die in the process." Taehyung muttered, his eyes peeled outside the window, his hands trembled as he clammed them together nervously.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not here for a lecture from you of all people. You really thought you got a get out of jail free card, didn't you?" His father smirked, locking the car doors, Taehyung heart started pounding.

So he is gonna kill me.

"Give me your phone" his father demanded. "No-"

"Fucking give it to me Kim." His father hissed at him harshly. Taehyung had never felt so vulnerable right now.

He slowly passed his father his phone, he watched him shove it in his back jean pocket.

"I didn't do anything wrong," the older mumbled nervously. "'Didn't do anything wrong?', How about you are the most stressful, reticent and without doubt worse son ever. How's that for wrong?." his father spat.

Taehyung felt his blood boil with rage he couldn't take it any longer, the built up anger had been stored for far too long.

"Well, why am I like that dad?" Taehyung shouted at him, but his anger just turned into tears. Tears suddenly began streamed down his cheeks.

"Not sure, why don't you tell me." his father wondered focusing his eyes on the road, the tone of his voice sounding less cruel.

"Because you've made me like this! I can't speak to you, o-or open up to you and I sure as well won't until the day I die. Because you, you're the definition of evil!"

"You don't care about me and you never will, you've never in your life been a true father figure. You probably don't even know anything about me b-but using my body as your punching bag. You try to act like a good father with this 'how's your day' bullshit when your stupid hook-ups come over,  but we both know you couldn't give a shit! So don't complain to me when this is all your doing, It's all your fault why I'm fucked up!" He cried, holding his stomach.

"You have no idea what you're saying Kim-"

"Why do you do this? H-how can you call me reticent? I don't know anything about you, in fact I know one thing. You're a murderer." The boy hissed at his father.

It was now or never.

His father gulped, feeling his throat get tighter.

"You killed my own mother out of what, jealousy? envy? Because she was getting more attention than you? She has no one to fucking defend her anymore, only me. You know what she'd say to you if she was still alive? That you're a sick, sick fucking man. Remember that no amount of whores that you fuck every night will ever take away that pathetic, shitty excuse of man that you are!" Taehyung mocked.

Taehyung had finally reached the boiling point of making his father feel truly provoked.

His father swerved the car to the curb that startled Taehyung completely.

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