5 ❁ busy?

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Taehyung now had no idea what he going to do now that school was over. Jimin went home, his one other friend Yoongi started to feel sick so went home now to long ago.

Maybe he could call Hoseok? Nah. Not yet, he wasn't about to give in so easily.

And so it led him to his only hope, his cousin Hwasa. He called her on his phone patiently as he made his way to his usual bus stop. He placed the phone to his ear as it rang, he bit his bottom lip and watched the cars bolt pass the road to spare his boredom.

"Hey Taehyung!" She said.

"Hwassy, please, please, please say me you'll come to the movies with me today?"

"Aw, Taehyung I can't.  I'm babysitting and I'm annoyed because the kid puked on my brand-new shoes."

"Gross, well how long are you babysitting for? Maybe I could help?"

"Til' midnight... Besides, I'm not sure the parents will allow me to have someone they don't know in their house. They're scary and strict, they literally have CCTV cameras in every room"

"Damn, alright, never mind." He sighed.

"But you're okay though, right?" She wondered.

"Yeah, yeah I am... See you." He said in a quiet tone before hanging up.

He saw his bus approach him, the spring breeze gave him slight chills. Home it was.

He miserably sat on the back of the bus. He placed on arm around his stomach, while the other was used to hold his phone. He scrolled through Instagram with his earphones on.

A few minutes later, he looked through the bus window and realised it was heading to his stop.

He let out a hard gulp before getting off and making his way towards his house. He noticed his father pick my up the letters from their mail box. Taehyung's heart began to thump gaudily.

"How was your day?" His father asked once he noticed Taehyung walking up to their porch.

"I-It was okay." He stuttered uncontrollably.

When he made it inside, a woman in a red-silky dressing gown, concealed in a black laced lingerie walked down his stairs. Taehyung stared at her. He then glanced away, walking past her awkwardly as he made his way.

He wasn't even surprised anymore, there was a new woman in the house every day. He wouldn't be surprised if his father had STDs.

"How was your day?" His father articulated louder when Taehyung made it to the top of the staircase.

He lets out a heavy gulp that seemed to be hard to swallow. He turned his head down to his father, who stood with his arms crossed, the woman beside him.

"I said it was good." Taehyung alerted. "Okay, speak louder next time." His father says bluntly.

Taehyung heard the woman laugh beside him as his father joined her laughter. Her arm slithered around his waist as he told him to stop 'being so horrible' to Taehyung. Taehyung squirmed, he hated everything about his father so much.

When Taehyung shut his bedroom door from behind him, he then bursted into tears. It was as if he was suffocating.

He hated how his father spoke to him. There was no aspect of fatherly nature to him at all. They barely had a relationship. He never gave Taehyung advice, helped him with a single piece of homework. Taehyung genuinely felt like a stranger in his own wreckage of a home.

He wiped the tears off his warm cheeks as he suddenly stormed out of his house. Breathing in the crisp, cold air once again. He had to leave, anywhere would do... and so his hands trembled as he took his phone buried inside his pocket and felt the piece of paper that Hoseok gave him. His hand trembled as he traced the writing with his thumb.

And so, he called him. He wasn't ready to so quickly, he kinda wanted to play the 'hard to get' game, but right now wasn't the time, he just needed some company and maybe, just maybe Hoseok could be it.

"Hello?" Taehyung sniffed after dialling the number. He heard Hoseok's silvery voice down the other line. "Hey, who is this?"

"It's Taehyung, you gave me your number? A-at school."

"Ah yes cutie, so you decided to pick up, Huh?" He said letting out a smooth chuckle in between his words. Taehyung's lips curved to a small smile as he shyly walked along the pavement. "Yeah, so are you busy?"

"Not when it comes to you."

Damn. He has a way with words.

"Well do you want to hang out at the town centre? Maybe get something to eat?" Taehyung suggested a tone of hesitant in the sound of his tone. "Sure thing, what time?"

"In the next hour? Is that okay?" Taehyung wondered. "Yeah that's fine, see you soon."

"Yeah, see you." Taehyung said shyly, he sighed of relief as he brushed away his excess tears.

[next chapter: 1100 words]

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