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"Jaehwan! I finally know what we could use to make it hurt less!" Hakyeon cheered as he was holding a small box in his hands that had some white cream looking stuff in it. Hakyeon looked up to meet Jaehwan gaze but it wasn't there. He looked around.

"I swear he was here just now." Hakyeon talked to himself as he put the box down on the table and got up. Hakyeon looked around. Still no sight of the male.

"Were did he go?" Hakyeon said again as he has already searched the whole building. He swears that Jaehwan was with him in the same room and was there. Hakyeon opened the door that lead to the garden. He saw Jaehwan sitting on top of a rock staring in to the small river. Hakyeon slowly walked up to him sensing that there was something bothering Jaehwan.

"Hey Jaehwan. Is there something bothering you?" Hakyeon asked as he sat next to him too leaning on Jaehwan's shoulder. Jaehwan's didn't say anything, until few secs later he let his head fall on top of Hakyeon's.

"What would have happen to us if this village didn't exist?" Jaehwan spoke as his voice cracked little at the words. Hakyeon grabbed Jaehwan hand and held it close to his heart.

"Who does Wonshik need to kill now? Are the parents mad at you again? If so, would the kids mind if I would visit your teachings one day?" Hakyeon spoke softly as he was playing with Jaehwan's sleeve with his free hand.

"Well, most of the kids seem fine with me having you as a partner but some don't even know you so, I don't think it would bother them if you could come tomorrow. You could teach them little bit about medics. I think they'll be interested to hear your stories on your patients. They already got bored on my stories about how beautiful it is to paint." Jaehwan let out a small giggle.

"What?" Hakeyon asked as he looked up at Jaehwan.

"I would love to see the parents faces when they see that my love of my life is the god of medics. Have you gotten any patients today, honey?" Jaehwan asked as he gave a small peck on his forehead.

"Not really, Hongbin asked some bandage and the same old lady keeps bringing vegetables. Nothing serious, yet." Hakyeon spoke and leaned his head back to Jeahwan's shoulder.

"HAKYEON! THE FUCK ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU! IT'S AN EMERGENCY! THERE YOU ARE! COME HERE AND QUICK!!" Wonshik screamed from the building as the love birds shot up of the sudden voice. Hakyeon turned around and saw Wonshik carrying someone in his arms. He ran up to him.

"What happened?? Take her to that room." Hakyeon said as he ran to the room to make the bed ready. Wonshik placed Taekwoon on the bed and took Jooheon of the sleeping beauty.

"Jooheon was the one who alarmed me about her. I think she fell on the river close to the women's swimming place and she was already knocked out as I got there. " Wonshik spoke as he tried his best to explain Hakyeon what happened.

"At least she is breathing. She feels hot, I think she has gotten a fever. Her wound is ripped open. I should clean the wound before it gets worse and sew it close. Want to help to hold her hand? JAEHWAN GET MY STUFF UP HERE!" Hakyeon spoke as he was cursing about the fact that the day was so peaceful and now this. At least he can practice his sewing skills now.

"Here, Hakyeon. Is this something new you have also come up with?" Jaehwan asked as he was holding the box full of stuff.

"Yeah, I'm going to test the sewing method that worked on that one patient." Hakyeon said as he was putting the string in the needle's hole.

"Didn't the last patient fight back when you put tgat needle trough her skin?" Jaehwan asked.

"That's why I want Wonshik to hold her down and take that cub out of this room, please." Hakyeon said as he finally got the string trough the hole. Jaehwan picked up Jooheon and got out of the room talling about giving some raw meet to the little hero. Wonshik was ready to hold Taekwoon's arm down as he is 'sleeping' he is still awake but feeling so lightheaded.

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