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"You little-" Taekwoon lifted the tiger up as he was laying on the ground. The tiger let out a small yawn as Taekwoon put him back down. They both stared at the sky. 'This day has been so wild that I almost firgot why I was even doing here.' Taekwoon though as he rubbed his eyes.

"SOMEONE HELP! HELP! SOMEONE-!" Taekwoon jumped up as he heard a high pitched scream from close by. He left his stuff behing and ran to the direction of the voice. He heard some rustling behind him. Taekwoon turned around to see Jooheon following him. He should have taught him to stay, but now the cub is getting in to the battle field maybe.

"SOMEO-!" "SHUT UP! No one is coming for you!" The man said as he covered the womans mouth with his hand as other stared to laugh.
"Our sponsor will be happy to bring their bride back to the wedding." One of them laughed off as the woman started to form tears in her eyes.

"IM NOT MARRYING HIM! I'LL DIE RATHER THAN MARRYING THAT PIECE IF SHIT! I DON'T EVEN LOVE HIM! I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE! NOW KILL ME!" The woman screamed as the men around stayed silence through the whole speech, but started laughing. Taekwoon was watching form a far at the scene. Taekwoon never liked how some people treated women and people like that. He didn't like the thought of getting married to the person they didn't like.

"You agree with me right, Jooheon?" Taekwoon asked as he turned to look at the tiger cub noticing it's no where to be seen.
"Look at we got here? A tiger cub." Taekwoon heard someone speak. 'Shit'
"Idiot don't touch it. It's mother can be near at any moment. You don't wanna mess with an angry tiger mother." The other man said as they all took few steps back.

"Yeah, you really don't want to mess with the mother tiger." Taekwoon spoke as he came out of his hiding place.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" The man holding the lady shouted as the lady flinched at the man's aggressive voice. The other 3 of them took out their swords ready to engage at any moment.

"To put it simply. I am the mother tiger." Taekwoon spoke as he ran towards to the guy holding the lady and pushed him aside. The others didn't notice it so quickly. Taekwoon took her and started to run towards Jooheon to pick him up. The thiefs tried to run after them but fail to keep up the pace with Taekwoon.

"I think we are safe now." Taekwoon broke the silence as they both were breathing heavily. They ran back to the place were Taekwoon forgot his stuff. He picked his stuff and continued to walk behind the lady as they walked closer to this cave that was next them.

"AAARGH! He really doesn't give up!" The lady started to storm little as he kicked a rock. Taekwoon didn't care and lays on the ground as he throws his bag. Jooheon slowly walked to Taekwoon and settles down on top of his chest.

"Thanks for saving me..." The lady started to talk but didn't continue. She looked at Taekwoon and the tiger laying there peacefully.
"How did you get that tiger?" She asked as Taekwoon turned his head towards to lady.

"His mother was murdered so his other siblings. I tried to kill the culprits before they've killed them but at least one made it and I take the responsibility of taking care of him now. It's a punishment for me for not saving his mother and his siblings." Taekwoon spoke as he stroke his fingers along the tiger's fur.

"Oh, my name is Koo Jung-ah and I think you could need some help." She said as Taekwoon turned to look at her again. She was now holding the picture of the tattoo evidence in her hands. Taekwoon sit up waking up Jooheon in the process but he fell asleep again.

"I'm Jung Taekwoon and what do you mean I could need some help?" Taekwoon asked as he tilted his head little.
"I know what village has clan that has these tattoos." Jungah said as she got closer to Taekwoon.

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