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Trying to make sense of my jumbled thoughts, before I do something to embarrass myself. He must be the new guy Relly was talking about earlier. After all, his eyes do remind me of grass and I have literally never seen him before. I just can't help but wonder why he is sitting out here alone instead of socializing with the rest. If he agreed to come today it must have been for a reason.

"Well," I dumbly start and meet his gaze, the connection provoking a small shiver to leave my body. "I have it under control and if you're up for it then come with me inside and show me what you've got."

I can barely make out his features in the dark, but I clearly see him rolling his eyes in humor and the action annoys me, he is stealing my trademark here. "They always do, do they not? My tolerance is high as well until it suddenly isn't."

"You don't know me, I am not 'them'" I try to convince him. Why, I have no idea. It is true though, he doesn't know me and definitely should not make assumptions as if he does. 

A smirk lands on his full lips, flashing me his straight white teeth. Seeing him like that sends a shock through my body, how unfair that he is allowed to be so attractive, "You're right, I don't. But am I wrong though? You seem like a lightweight, love."

Ignoring the hot pool in my stomach, I straighten my back and clear my throat, "Do not call me that."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I don't owe you an answer."

His sexy smirk is so hard to ignore, "It is the polite way to act."

Holding my hands up, "I have never mentioned anything about me being polite, so don't expect it from me."

"Surely you must have some polite bones in your body, I don't believe you treat everyone like you treat the lunch lady," His words shock me, he does remember me then.

My eyes storm over in annoyance, "She deserves all the crap I give her."

"I don't doubt it one bit," He says in honesty. "But I haven't done anything to piss you off, now have I?"

How is it fair? My ovaries are having their own fucking applause party and that usually only happens whenever I watch movies with Zac Efron in them, this is just too annoying and I really don't want to be a part of it anymore. My body has other plans for me though, because her ass is glued to the bench. He looks at me with such an intensity and even though our conversation is fucking useless, I still find myself staying and carrying the eye contact he is offering. My hands start to shake when he smirks lightly at me and shakes his head, everything about him has this aura of charm and it freaks me out.

"Freckles?" A voice suddenly screams from the sidewalk and I frustratingly drop my head in my hands, this is the reason why I wanted to hide inside the house. Caspar comes running towards us, his posse of pathetic boys follow ready to lick his ass whenever he wants them to. "So it is you, knew I could recognize that ass from a mile away."

"My ass is firmly planted on this seat, so you haven't seen shit and I know it," I start, the smirk immediately leaving his lips. "Now if you've had your need to be a complete jerk fulfilled for the night, I suggest you take your puppies and get the fuck away from me."

He comes closer to me, sitting down and throwing an arm around my shoulders, "No reason to be hostile, babe. Both of us enjoyed last night."

Pushing his arm away from me, I scoot closer to the edge of the bench, "Clearly you're currently living in an intense state of delusion, probably should get that checked out."

I turn to his smirking friends who slightly change expression to somewhat scared, "And all of you, do you not have any self worth, who the hell lives to suck an idiot's ass?"

Smith sits down on my other side, pushing me closer to Caspar, "No ass licking going on here, freckles."

I roll my eyes at the nickname, "Surely could have fooled me."

Looking at the confused part of this company, the stranger, he stares back at me with a small questioning in his eyes. It must be weird that a huge group of jocks treat one girl like this, but I appreciate him for not trying to come between it. Clearly he knows that I can hold up my own, I also appreciate him for not leaving me out here with them. 

When he realizes I am staring, he smiles at me slightly and sends a small wink in my direction. It's crazy I even caught it, he is trying to be as subtle as possible. Quite funny how they haven't addressed him yet. 

I spoke too soon, as Caspar points an accusing finger at stranger. It hits me that I still don't know his name. "What do you think you are doing?" Caspar sneers at him. 

Hot stranger shrugs his shoulders with a cocked eyebrow, a taunting smirk is playing on his lips. He knows that he has a clear advantage of build and height, Caspar is nothing compared to him. I decide not to let him reply, it will only stir things up and I don't want drama, especially not violence. 

"Caspar, I will say this one more time, take your puppies and leave. I was just enjoying my night."

His creepy glare cuts to me as I meet his eyes head on, "Of course you were, that dude was just about to get it in."

I push him, effectively moving him a little away from me on the bench, "Contrary to popular belief, I am not sleeping around with everything that has a pulse! And even more shocking, I won't fucking hesitate to push you down this porch."

"Let's just leave, Caspar," Leo says from his place, he is looking down as if he is ashamed. 

"Wow, the puppy really just challenged the master, now leave and have your brawl elsewhere," I spit at them, ignoring the daggers I get from Leo. They decided to come up here and piss me off, of course I won't take any of it. I never have. 

All the puppies leave and Smith follows, they walk inside the house not even once glancing at the annoying friend they left behind. His presence is very creepy next to me, but I decide to meet his stare, "You don't follow orders very well, huh? Although the real question is, can you bark?"

His hand supports his weight on the bench, daringly close to my ass. He leans in with a disgusting slimy smile, "We are not done here, babe. I know you cannot resist this for much longer."

Pushing at his chest, "If by this you mean throw up, then you are so right, babe."

Stranger's sharp intake of breath distracts me. Caspar's eyes land on him, too, before he luckily just decides to leave stranger and I. Not creating any drama, not challenging him to fight. I hate having to fend for myself all the time, if only they could leave me alone then I would be happy. But my life clearly shouldn't be that easy.

"Dakota!" Relly's voice cuts through as she storms past Caspar in the door, she runs in my direction and tugs at my hand, pulling me with her inside. "You have been out there for so long, come inside and drink with the rest of us!" 

I barely manage to, but I catch stranger's eyes as he sends a little smirk, the actions sending shivers down my spine. My clenched fingers in my hand appear by the rush of excited anticipation flooding through me, the horny side of my mind clearly has the upper hand at the moment. This is so messed up, I cannot associate with him, especially not if he has a Zac Efron effect on me. That is just a big no.

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