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"An alliance with the Heart Pirates?!"

Luffy had on his usual expression, laughing at his crews reaction as he patted Law on the back, who was sitting calmly and silently next to him.

"Yeah! Doesn't that sound great?" He said, seeing Nami, Usopp and Chopper immediately start to persuade their captain otherwise.

"We can't go up against one of the Four Emperors now! We're not ready Luffy!" Usopp pleaded, trying to reason with his simple minded captain.

"It's no use," Sanji stated, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"The captains decided," Zoro added.

"Robin!" Nami pleaded, turning to the other female.

Robin smiled. "He's not going to change his mind, you know that."

Sighing in defeat, the three sit back down on the grassy deck of the Sunny.

After the plan was explained and everyone eventually accepted it, or dealt with the fact that they couldn't change Luffy's mind, as it was getting late the crew slowly started to drift off to their beds.

Being a guest on the ship, there wasn't an extra bed for Law to sleep in. Generously though, he volunteered to just sleep outside. Whether it was to get away from the crew for a little bit or to solve the issue of who would've had to give up there bed for him, we'll never know.

Law couldn't seem to get to sleep though. As nice as they seemed, the Straw Hats were Law's enemy. He couldn't allow himself to let go of his defences because even though they didn't look it most of the time, they were strong. He couldn't help but admit to himself that he missed his own crew, his own ship and captains quarters. Especially now that he was alone.

Being more on the energetic side than usual, Luffy was also up and about. Mostly because of hunger and because he was to excited about forming an alliance that sleep just couldn't come to him.

Trying to sneak out to the kitchen, Luffy, as quiet as Luffy could ever be, tried to make his way to the kitchen without waking up Sanji. On his way though, he couldn't help but notice Law sitting on the figure head of the Sunny.

"Hey, Torao!" Luffy called out, completely forgetting about being quiet once he saw the older.

Turning around to look at Luffy, he said nothing but put his finger up to is lips as a quiet and polite way to say 'shut up otherwise you'll wake everyone up.'

Grinning and kind of taking his warning into consideration, Luffy shot his arm over to the head of the Sunny's mane and grabbed it, bouncing over and into Law.

"What do you think you're doing Straw Hat-ya," Law muttered after sitting back up and readjusting his hat.

"This is the captains spot you know, Torao. And I'm the captain!" Luffy replied, pushing his question to the side.

"I'm the captain of my own crew to you know, so technically I can sit here," he said calmly, looking out at the ocean.

"Oh yeah, where's the talking bear and the others? Are they waiting at Dressroba?" Luffy asked, learning forward on his hands in anticipation for an answer.

"It's Dressrosa," Law sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I've told you that before."

"So what about your crew?"

Law frowned. "They're waiting in Zou, I'll head there after Dressrosa. Of course, our alliance with have ended by then."

"What do you mean? We're friends now!" Luffy asked, clearly puzzled.

"After our goal is complete, our alliance will be terminated and we'll go back to enemies. We're not friends," Law stated coldly.

"Yeah we are! You asked if I wanted to become friends and take down Kaido," Luffy asked, puzzled.

"Alliance and friends are two completely different terms," Law explained. "I don't consider you a friend."

"Don't say something to mean, Tra-guy!" Luffy whined. "We're friends now!"

Law sighed. "Whatever."

Luffy grinned, laying down on the mast head and onto Laws lap. "I really like you."

Law frowned down at him. "Get off of me."

"I mean, you came to save me two years after the war," Luffy explained, laughing lightly. "I still owe so many people for what happened back then, but I wouldn't be alive to help my friends if it wasn't for you. So thanks.

Laws expression was unreadable as he returned his gaze outward to the sea. "It was on the spur of the moment, nothing more."

"Well I think you wanted to be friends," Luffy grinned. "Friends help each other out."

"Believe what you like, I stated what I think," Law mumbled.

"Alright, then we're friends!"

Law sighed, not sure how long he'd be able to stand the guy. "Straw Hat-ya, why're you up this late anyway?"

"I'm hungry!" He whined, his stomach on cue growling.

"I don't understand how you're always so hungry," Law mumbled. "It's ridiculous."

"Wanna come get a snack with me?" Luffy asked happily.


"But why not? Sanji doesn't have to know!" Luffy tried to persuade.

"If you get something extra and bring it back here I may have it," Law hinted, not watching directly as the young captain sat up excitedly.

"Alright, I'll get you something!" Luffy said, stretching his arms back over to the railing and shooting over.

Law released a breath he didn't realize he was holding, a light smile coming to his face. Despite everything going on, Luffy could always make him smile whether he wanted to admit it or not. He just had an overall happy and energetic aura, something Law wasn't used to or knew how to deal with well.

He was an interesting and reliable person that would definitely help his plan succeed and that would make this trip less painful for the most part, and Law was thankful for that.

Solidarity {Law and Luffy One Shots} [Lawlu]Where stories live. Discover now