Do you love me?

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"(Y/n) do you love me"

I'm silent. I don't know the answer to that question. He is very dear to me but he also kidnapped me and bit me against my will. What would he do if I said no? Would he kill me? No, he wouldn't, or would he?

If I say yes he might become even more obsessed and I don't need that right now. Honestly, I do still love him but he changed so much. What do I do?

"You're not answering princess, didn't I make it clear that I want you to answer me?" He said and smirked.

"Do you want me to make you understand me again? I mean I would love to, but would you?" He said and leaned in closer to me.

"No, I do not want that." I answered. His smirk faded and he backed down.

"Oh, why aren't you answering then?" He asked.

"I don't know what to answer... I mean I did love you. But now I don't know anymore. I know I don't like the way you act, but you... I don't-"

"It's okay! You can learn to love me again." He interrupts me. Maybe I can in some way use this to make him treat me better? Maybe I can use this to later escape?

"... I don't think I can love you when you act like this..." I say hoping for a quick response which I get.

"I can change! I will be good to you, it just hurts so much when you ignore me. I'm not the best at handling emotions but this emotion is worst of them all." He said. He took my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please (Y/n)! Love me again!" He begged and I could even see a tear fall from his eyes. I have never seen him this vulnerable. Can I use it? I need to get out.

"...okay..." I whisper. He starts crying even more and embraces me. I decide to hug him back, that would be better because then he may trust me and then I will have a better shot at escaping.

1. Make him stop hurting me.
2. Make him trust me.
3. Wait for a perfect opportunity to escape.
4. Escape and go back to the USA.

Sorry for a short chapter! Also sorry for taking so long with updating but now it's here! Enjoy while I go update my other book haha😘❤

Remember Me? || Bakagou, Todoroki, Midoryia x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now