Not again

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"Oh, you have woken up." Someone says and I can identify the voice immodestly. It was a Shoto Todoroki. The guy that almost killed me a while ago. He takes a seat on the bed that I'm in and starts playing with my hair.

I move my head to get his hand away from my hair. "Don't touch me." I snap at him. He pulls away from his hand and just looks at me. He smiles which is a thing he rarely does. "I understand if you're mad..." he starts but I interrupt him.I'mF I'm MAD? YOU TRIED TO KILL ME AND NOW YOU PROBABLY KIDNAPED ME YOU SICK FREAK!" I scream, furious at him.

"Please calm down princess..." He starts but I interrupt him again. "DON'T PRINCESS ME! I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!" I scream. He just sighs and walks out the door. He left. I didn't think he would do that. Is the door locked? Can I escape?

I get out of bed but eminently regret it. I feel a stinging pain in my head causing me to faint.

Shoto's pov

It was so good to see her. She was absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to start my family with her. Of course, she doesn't want it yet since she's so mad about the fight we had for a while ago. It will take her some time to cool down so I better not disturb her.

The medicine has probably kicked in so her powers should be gone by now. I hope she isn't to upset with me for losing them, but I hope she understands that I did it for her. I'm going to make her so happy.

When she accepts me and forgives me for kidnapping her we will move to a beautiful house with a big garden where our future kids will play. I smile at the thought. We will be such good parents to them, not like the dick of a father who raised me.

I have hhardlybeen away from (y/n) for about 5 minutes but I still miss her. Maybe I should go check on her? No, she needs to cool down and for that, she needs to be alone. But I miss her. I wana to be with her. I need to see her. I can no longer control myself so I rush to my room where she currently is. When I open the door I find her lying on the floor.

I run up to her and start shacking her. "(Y/n)?!" I ask her, but she isn't conscious so she doesn't answer. I lift her up and put her on the bed. I check if she's breathing and she is. What made her faint?

Our villa league has a doctor so I take up my phone to call him.

Time skip

"She overdosed that drug you gave her, you know the one that takes away her quirk. Did you give her to much?" The doctor asks. "No, I used exactly the amount you told me to use," I answered.

"Well, it looks like someone else gave her that amount too since she has double the dose she should have. I don't think anything will happen to her but you can't let her get worked up or do any kind of physical activity. Now if you excuse me I have to leave." The doctor said and then left the room.

I looked at my sleeping princess. She was beautiful, as always. She was like the missing piece to complete my puzzle, she made me feel whole.

"I will never let you go. You're mine and only mine." I whisper in her ear. She still hasn't woken up so she doesn't hear me, but she doesn't need to either. Whether she wants it or not she belongs to me.

Remember Me? || Bakagou, Todoroki, Midoryia x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now