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"Can you drive me to the hero headquarters, please?" I ask the cabdriver who nods and starts driving. I'm finaly free! I sigh in relief.

I look out the car window. Things surely changed in Japan. There used to be so crowded on this street but now it's almost empty. There are a few people on the street and they are all dressed in torn clothes. My clothes didn't look that great anymore but they still looked better than their clothes.

Okay (Y/n) you need to make up a plan. Izuku will come back for you and it's just a matter of time til you back in the cold basement. Maybe I can go back to USA? I mean he wouldn't follow me there would he? Shit, he probably would. What about plastic surgery? No, no needles.

Maybe I can stay with Ururaka? No, Izuku would just kill her like he killed Yoe(yes I know I spell his name different all the time, but eh).

Yoe... A tear slides down my chin but I wipe it away before it could fall into my lap. I can't think of him now, it will only make me feel worse.

"Are you okay?" The driver ask. "Yeah, I'm fine thank you." I lie and look down in my lap. Even if I try I can't shake of the thought of Yoe. The picture of his lifeless body hunts my mind and blocks my thoughts. It's my fault, it's all my fault. I can't control it anymore, tears come streaming down my face and I can't make it stop.

"We're here, its 2800 yen." The driver says. "What?" I ask, reality hitting me. "We're here, it's 2800 yen." he sighed clearly annoyed. I'm about to pic up my wallet when I remember that I don't have it. "I don't have my wallet, I can't pay."

The driver turns around to look at me. "You don't have any mon... Wait a minute are you (H/n)!?" I think for a while before replying. Is he a fan? Could he be working with Izuku. No, if he did he would probably not work as a cab driver. Or would he? I had to make up my mind so I decided to tell the truth. "Yes, yes I am."

"Then you're not going anywhere. You my friend, is my way out of all my gaming depths." He says as he starts driving again. "What, no! Let me out of this car right now!" I demanded but only end up getting hit in the head by something and fainting. Not again.


When I open my eyes it's so blurry and it takes some time for my eyes to focus. I'm in a bed and I recall passing out before. Where was I? I really hope I'm not back at Izuku's.

"Oh, you woken up." Someone says and I can identify the voice imideatly.

Sorry for short chapter😂

Remember Me? || Bakagou, Todoroki, Midoryia x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now