Chapter 11

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Kion and his Lion Guard arrived at the border of the Tree of Life.  Kukimb had come along with them, wanting to see his mother again.  He had recovered from his time with Harako fairly quickly, proving his worth as Strongest of Heart.  As they walked through the mountain pass, Bunga spotted a beehive.  When he started to run up to it, the whole Guard except Kukimb looked at each other.

"Bunga!"  Kion called.  "Don't!"

Bunga was already on the wall, climbing up.

"Hakuna matat-" Bunga started before falling, rocks coming down.

"Bunga!"  Fuli groaned.

"Beshte?"  Kion asked.  "Can you free Bunga?  I can use the Roar if there's nobody on the other side."

"On it, Kion," Beshte moved towards Bunga.

As Beshte was helping to free Bunga, Ullu flew above them and landed in front of Kion.

"Is it possible for you to make an entrance here without causing a rockslide?"  she asked.  "That's the second time."

"Bees are tasty!"  Bunga protested, running up to the owl.

"We're sorry about that,"  Kion said.  "Can you make sure nobody's on the other side of the rocks so we can clear them?"

"On it," Ullu flew up and over the rocks, seeing the Night Pride.  "Night Pride!  Get on the other side."

"Can Kion and his friends come here without causing a rockslide?"  Rani asked.  "I swear, they're going to make these mountains not exist anymore."

Rani turned to her Night Pride.

"Let's go, then," she said.  They walked over the rocks.

"Rani!  Night Pride!"  Kion greeted.

"Kion!  Lion Guard!"  Rani returned.

"Where's Nirmala?"  Kion asked.

"She's unable to be on the Night Pride," Surak explained.  "She's expecting cubs."

"Cubs?"  Bunga asked.  "I can't wait!"

Surak chuckled.

"Who's that lion there?"  Kion asked, seeing Sira next to Rani.

"I'm Sira," Sira said.

"He's a great lion," Rani said.  She stopped herself from saying anything else.

Kion smiled and made eye contact with Rani.  He was happy that she had finally moved on and found another mate.

"Okay," Kion said.  "Night Pride, get behind me."

The Night Pride got behind Kion, knowing what he was going to do.  Kion closed his eyes, the wind picking up.

Sira looked at Rani.

"What's going on?"  he asked.

"You haven't heard about the Roar of the Elders?"  Rani asked.

"No," Sira said.

"Watch," Rani said.

Kion Roared, shattering the rocks.  He stumbled back in surprise.  His Roar had never done that before.  He put a paw up to his scar.  That was why.

"Kion!"  Fuli exclaimed.  She ran up to the lion.  "Are you okay?"

Kion flicked his tail, a gesture for Fuli to follow him.  They both walked away.

"That was unbungalievable!"  Bunga exclaimed.  "Let's head to the Tree now."

"No," Rani said.  "Let's wait for Kion and Fuli to come back.  I don't want them to miss Sira's coronation."

The Lion Guard: Lost Heart (#1)Where stories live. Discover now