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Thomas watched the boys as they discussed the inconsistencies in Frozen.

"I sleep in the buff!" Remus yelled as the movie ended.

"No the fu-rick you do not." Roman glanced at Patton before glaring at his twin.

"What does that mean?" Dee tilted his head.

"You don't need to know yet." Logan said.

Dee pouted.

Remus chuckled, "I'll tell you later."

"No." Logan sighed.

"Well, I have something to tell you." Thomas gave the boys a small smile.

"Did the 'doption not work?" Dee asked.

"No no," Thomas chuckled, "in fact, tomorrow I become your guy's legal guardian."

"Really!?" Patton gasped, jumping onto Thomas's lap.

"Yep." Thomas laughed. 

"We're getting adopted!" Roman and Remus cheered, running around the room laughing.

Virgil was smiling, hugging Patton and Dee tightly.

Logan was near tears. Thomas adopted all of them? He adopted him?

"Lo? You okay?" Thomas asked.

Logan blinked out of his thoughts, noticing the other boys had disappeared upstairs.

"I-I..." Logan tried, stumbling on his words.

"If you don't want to be adopted, it would be a minor thing to change-" Thomas started.

"No no! It's not that!" Logan sighed, "its just... I had never expected for all of us to be adopted by the same person..."

"Oh Logan..." Thomas hugged the boy, "I wouldn't let anyone seperate you guys."

Logan let out a small sob, letting Thomas hold him. It reminded him of his father coming to comfort him after a nightmare. Back when he could be a kid. Perhaps that could happen again?

"You okay Lo?" Thomas asked.

Logan nodded, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"Alright." Thomas smiled, "I think this calls for another movie and some hot chocolate, huh?"

Logan chuckled, "yes, I think it does."

Thomas laughed, "I'll start the coco then."

Logan nodded. Finally, it seemed like things were looking up.

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