Chapter 21: Bad Blood

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Missing Person's Report

Hurricane Police Department

Name: Charlotte Emily

Alias/Street Name/Nickname: Charlie

Age: 19

Sex: Female

DOB: 06/07/1983

    Race: Caucasian

Height: 5'8" Weight: Appox. 160 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Hat: N/A

Jacket/Coat: Green Sweatshirt

Shirt: White t-shirt

Pants: Denim Jeans

Shoes: Black combat boots

Scars/birthmarks/tattoos: Scar on right side of forehead

Relatives: Henry Emily (Father), Jennifer Emily (Aunt)

Overall health: Good

Last seen health condition: Injured leg, concussion

Last seen by: Henry Emily

Last seen location: 8793 Maple Street, Hurricane, Utah

Last seen date: November 22nd, 1998

Last seen time: Approx. 11:30 am

Reported missing by: Henry Emily

Notes: MP was last seen driving a 1996 Dodge Stratus (green), license plate no. FUH-836.

Officer filing report: Clay Burke


Charlie and Michael drove in silence, the radio standing in for talk. They'd only been driving for about two hours, but Charlie's eyes were heavy and her leg was aching again.

"You wanna look at the map in the glove compartment?" She yawned, breaking the silence at last. Michael rummaged through the glove compartment and frowned.

"Which one? There's three in here."

"The one with the state flag on it."

"Ah. Here it is. What am I looking for?"

"Just take a look and tell me where the next city is. We're on I-15, going towards North Salt Lake."

Michael looked up as they passed a highway sign and raised an eyebrow.

"Umm... that sign said we're on I-70."


"Yeah. We're going west right now."

"God dammit!" Charlie seethed, hitting the steering wheel.

"We should probably get off somewhere anyway. You look terrible."

"No. We're not far enough away yet." She changed lanes and a horn blared at her.

"Well, you're in the exit lane now. Might as well." Michael said nonchalantly.

She got off the freeway with a sigh.

"Now what?"

"There was a sign for a motel a while back."

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