Chapter 5: Memories

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The pills worked a little too well. Charlie found herself groggy from the time she woke up to at least mid afternoon. It didn't help that her father woke her up religiously throughout the night to ensure that she hadn't slipped into a coma. It had been nearly a month and a half since her accident but he wasn't taking any chances.

"One of these days you're gonna get punched." She told him one morning as she downed her third cup of coffee.

"I'd rather get punched than lose you, Charlotte."

She rolled her eyes and poured the creamer. The phone rang and Henry beelined to it before Charlie could even react.

"Hello? Yes, this is Henry." His expression instantly turned urgent and he stepped out of the kitchen with the phone, shutting the door on its cord. Charlie stirred her coffee, trying to pick up on bits and pieces of his conversation. The phone had been ringing at odd hours for the past week, and her father was constantly working late.

"...I see. Well.... No, that's normal."

Charlie wandered to the hallway phone.

"Well, not that. No, see, there's supposed to be.... Docking location..."

"That's the problem. There doesn't seem to be a docking location." A gruff voice griped on the other end of the line as Charlie carefully picked up the receiver.

"It's the stage. They shouldn't be wandering after hours."

"Well, they are, and I keep telling you that you're the only one who can fix it. And the Mangle- erm, Toy Foxy- is impossible to keep together. The kids keep tearing it apart! Can't you do something? I'm desperate here!"

Henry sighed deeply.

"Look, I can come by and take a look, but no guarantees. I'm no longer associated with Fazbear Entertainment, so-"

"But they're YOUR robots. The mechanics from corporate don't know shit. I promise that I'll pay you when I'm able to."

"I'll be over in twenty minutes, okay? Okay."

"Thank you! It's about damn time-"

"You're pushing things, Greg."



Charlie waited until both parties hung up to put down the receiver. She strode back into the kitchen as nonchalantly as she could.

"I have to head to Junior's early." Henry hurriedly ate a peanut-butter smeared bagel.

"I'll come with you. I'm feeling a lot better."

"No, you need your rest."

"I've been resting for a month." Charlie lamented.

"I can't leave once I'm there. If you end up not feeling well, I won't be able to bring you home."

"I'll just call Aunt Jen."

"Charlotte, please." Henry said sharply, "Just stay." He started for the back door.

What are you hiding from me? She wanted to shout. It wasn't like she didn't know about the two Freddy's locations within a thirty mile radius of where she stood. There was Freddy and Friend's, which featured the sleek, modern Toy Animatronics, and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which featured older models. Charlie was almost certain that they were the same models from Fredbear's Diner. But ever since she'd come back from school for a gap year, her father acted as though they were Candy's Locations.

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