Chapter 2: Actually can I just live a normal life'?

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"And I said my name and they started panicking. And you know what they did after that?"

In between my call with my friend, I was able to get in touch with a driver near me. She said she was supposed to arrive in a few minutes but unfortunately got caught in traffic on the way. In the meantime, while I waited, I decided to just have a chat with Adalia, my friend that was on the other side of the country.

So, I was sitting on a curb in front of this humble, small house, waiting for my Uber and looking like a hobo. I don't care anymore, though. All of the care that I had in the world were thrown out of the window. If I were dressed in a ridiculous cow costume decorated with those huge udders, I wouldn't give a single thought about people giving me weird looks. In fact, I would shove the udders into strangers' faces and put them on display if they did. Maybe even jiggle them. I don't care.

If I wanted to look like Steve Buscemi, I was going to look like Steve Buscemi.

Because, frankly, I'm just glad I'm alive.

Adalia's voice brought me back to reality. "Girl, don't tell me they dumped you in the middle of nowhere."

I let out a tired sigh. "That's exactly what they did."

"Ooh, girl! You should have jumped on the hood and told them that they owed you 20 dollars! Be like, skrrt, skrrt, bitch! Give me my damn money!"

I chuckled, imagining the scenario. "Nah, I think I scared them enough already."

"Are you going to tell the police about what happened?" Adalia asked. "Because, you really should. You're new to the area and you don't know what kind of shit goes down there. And if it wasn't for that Operator guy that they were freaking out about, you would have probably been..." Her voice trailed off, the words left unspoken. But, I knew what she was going to say, even before she thought about it. "Jeez, [Y/N]. Saying that out loud..."

The atmosphere grew somber. "Yeah... Yeah I know what you mean." I start to choke up, remembering the feeling of the metal barrel against my head. "It was so scary, Adalia. And, I would have, I—" I break into sobs, the full intensity of the event finally setting in.

The loud bang. Their threatening voices. The hard gun against my head. Meredith's whimpers. The criminals' threats. It all came flashing back. If they weren't so scared, I could only imagine what would've happened. Deep inside, in the black parts of my mind, a sentence echoed.

You would be dead.

"Hey, hey, hey," Adalia said, her voice a soft comfort. "You're okay, now. You're alright. You're safe."

"M-Meredith isn't. I need to tell the police about what happened. For her sake." I wiped the tears off my face and ordered myself to stop crying. I needed to be brave. However, the tremors wouldn't stop.

"You go and do that. That's the best thing to do in that situation. By the way, how's your teaching job going? I know that that's the reason why you decided to go to the other side of the country and abandoned me here." She joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I'm starting tomorrow. In fact, the reason why I went to the bank was to buy some extra materials for the classroom. But, I guess that's out of the question now."

"What grade are you teaching, again?"


"You think your students will be little devils?" I could hear the smirk in her voice. She knew that I always got annoyed when people belittled kids.

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