"A little closer angry alien." I whispered as I listened to him open the door next to mine.

Finally after what felt like forever my door creaked open. I watched as his shadow crept towards my bed and I felt a rag put against my mouth.

'Chloroform.' I thought as my vision faded, 'No use to fight against chloroform.'

Next Day, 10 AM•

(Jin's POV)

"Namjoon! Has Kook called you? He said he'd be here an hour ago!" I shouted from the kitchen.


"It's not like him to be late." I muttered as Namjoon walked into the kitchen.

"Maybe he's busy, why don't you give our new friends a call? See if they've seen him."

"Good idea." I said turning around and grabbing my phone. It took 2 rings before Yoongi answered.

(Yoongi, Jin)

"What is it Jin hyung?"

"Hey Yoongi, sorry to wake you, but have you seen Jungkook? He was supposed to meet us an hour ago to discuss a job."

"No I haven't seen him. But I'll give you a call if I do."

"Alright Yoongi, bye."


I hung up the phone and shook my head 'no' at Namjoon making him sigh.

(Yoongi's POV)

"What'd Jin want?" Hoseok asked me after I hung up the phone.

"He wanted to know if I'd seen Jungkook. They were supposed to meet an hour ago and he hasn't shown."

"And he's not answering his phone?" Jimin asked getting out of bed.

"No. And he's not answering me either." I said clicking off my phone when it went to voicemail.

"Huh, well I'll look for him, but I'm sure he's ok." Hoseok said following Jimin out of the room and into the kitchen.

With a sigh I got out of bed and slipped on a shirt. As I made my way to the kitchen I heard a noise.

"Huh?" I whispered turning around when I heard it again. It sounded like someone moving a chair, and it came from behind our basement door.

"Tae didn't tell me he was torturing someone." I muttered walking away.

"Bloody hell, those ropes were tight."

"What?" I muttered whipping around.

"That sounded like....Jungkook!" I said running over to the door and opening it.

"Jungkook!" I said as I spotted him rubbing his wrists with his feet tied. 'He must had freed his wrists from the ropes' I thought.

"Jimin! Hoseok! Call Jin! I found Jungkook!" I yelled out the door before walking towards Jungkook.

"Hey Yoongs!" Jungkook said smiling at me.

"Don't smile at me!" I said untying his feet, "Who the hell put you in here?! How the hell did they put you in here?!"

"Easy. I let them kidnap me."

"You let them- Jungkook how long have you been here?!" I said helping him to his feet as Hoseok and Jimin ran inside the room.

"Ah, well I've been here since like 8 last night. And before you ask, it was angry alien that did it." Jungkook said waving to Hoseok and Jimin behind me.

"We called Jin, he and Namjoon are on their way over." Jimin said returning Jungkook's wave.

I nodded and faced Jungkook again, "You said Tae did this? How did he find you?"

"Well I don't know, I was hoping you'd tell me that." Jungkook said starting for the stairs.

"I might know something about that." Jimin muttered, "Taehyung had me build a device that can hack into anything awhile back. And if he used this on one of our GPSs he'd be able to find out your past coordinates."

"Like the location of my house." Jungkook muttered nodding. "I'd have to say, that is quite clever. Now is anyone hungry? Cause I for one am starving."

"Jungkook we don't have time to eat, we need to get you out of here before Taehyung sees you're free. He went out to do something but he's going to be back in a few minutes." Hoseok said as we followed Jungkook up the stairs.

"Why? I mean we knew we couldn't keep this a secret forever, he's going to find out sometime. Besides I want to get to know the angry alien." Jungkook said grabbing a piece of toast as we walked through the kitchen.

"We don't know how Tae is going to react Jungkook." I muttered.

"React to what?"

No-Harm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now