"Nora," I answered, getting dressed.

"Is something going on between you two?" Parker asked me.

"No, and don't assume there is. Nora and I are friends," I told Parker. I finished getting dressed and left. I had no interest in Nora and didn't need people assuming shit.

I left the house and made my way to a coffeehouse. I entered, and Nora waved me to her table. I sat down and ordered a coffee.

"Why do you look distressed?" Nora asked.

"Parker asked if something was going on between us. I told him no," I answered. The server brought my coffee to me.

"Besides hanging out and having non-existence romances, sure," Nora commented.

I chuckled.

"I got you to laugh. That's a plus," Nora pointed out.

"Yeah," I mumbled, drinking my coffee.

"How's it going with Kaylee?" Nora asked me, sipping her coffee.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Aren't you both partners?" Nora asked.

"Yeah, but we work together," I replied.

"Well, Kaylee talks about you frequently," Nora mentioned.

I looked at Nora. I knew that look and tone.

"We work together, and that's it. Don't start assuming shit," I told Nora.

"I would never assume shit," Nora teased.

"What's happening with you and Matthew?" I questioned.

Nora gave me a look. "Touché," she answered.

"Exactly," I remarked.

"Can we talk about other things that don't involve love or romance?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Fine," Nora groaned.

Anything was better than discussing feelings. The less I talked, the better.


Presley and I hung out when I noticed Drake come into the coffeehouse. Presley looked at me, then turned to see what I was looking at behind him.

"Why are you eye-fucking some dude?" Presley asked.

"I'm not eye-fucking anyone. I work with that guy, and he talks to me," I mentioned, taking a quick sip of my coffee.

Presley looked at me and arched an eyebrow as Drake saw us. Oh, no, I thought as Drake walked over to our table.

"Hey, Nora," Drake greeted me.

"Hey, Drake," I said.

Drake looked at Presley. "Am I interrupting something?" Drake asked.

"Nope, I have to leave," Presley answered, getting up. My eyes widened. "Take a seat, Drake," Presley offered.

Drake obliged, and Presley left. I will hurt Presley when I see him again. Drake smiled at me as I forced a smile.

"I thought we could go to the Apple orchard," Drake suggested.

I looked at Drake doubtfully.

"You could bring friends if it makes you more comfortable," Drake mentioned.

"I don't know," I said with hesitation.

"I promise no funny business. I swear," Drake said, placing his hand on his chest.

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