Chapter six:

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Punishments are bounded to her 2

Looking at your work, you smiled with content. It wasn't easy for you to like doing something for a long time, so seeing your rare hobby perfecting the rooftop garden quenched your previous agitation.

"It seems that the work's done." Jimin got up from the bench while he eyed you and Jungkook. He had been looking at his phone while the two of you works your asses off.

"I suggest you guys to clean yourself up and take back the tools to the gardener," with that said, he took off, leaving you dumbfounded.

Jungkook was on the floor and sweating profusely due to the hot heat rays. He could bother less to whatever the prefect had said.

You eyes twitched at his words and actions.


"Kookie," you called out.

Jungkook stopped fanning himself with his hands as he uneasily hummed a reply.

"I think I found someone that I really want to beat so much," you cracked your knuckles," All thots 'bout to go loose."

Holy moonnoban.

Jungkook knew it wasn't anything good with you calling him "Kookie", for everytime you called him that, you'd end up coming up with every possible way to torture that one person who irked the demon out of you. And the pitiful Jungkook would become your accomplice.

Well, not to an extent of physically hurting that person, but it was just some silly pranks of yours in place of your hot-blooded actions of the past where you would take a baseball bat and exercise [beat the crap outta the guy]. Well, the situations of the past and the present weren't the same so you wouldn't actually do that.

He laughed nervously, "Okay. Let's stop this; the last time you called me Kookie, we ended up sending a man to the hospital."

He tried persuading you to stop the dark thoughts swirling inside the devil of a mind of yours.

"Pei*, sending him to the hospital and then to the police," you smirked while gathering up the tools," don't forget we were in the hospital, and his criminal records. And it was a year ago so don't worry, it would only be a silly prank this time."

[AN: Pei is an onomatopoeia for spitting.]

Jungkook sighed as he remembered the moment.

You were enjoying your homemade lunch in the backyard park of the hospital while Jungkook sat opposite of you in the hospital gown.

And a man suddenly came out of nowhere and took you as an hostage while he kicked your lunches away.

And you, who was a foodie, seeing your precious foods being kicked, was angered to your highest level. Not caring about the knife on your neck or about the consequences, you beat up the man into a pulp.

Only did you stop after being held by several of the mafia members and Jungkook who tried calming you with different sweets. It did seem a bit funny, but dangerously.

That was one hell of a hectic day for Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled at the memory, "You know you've changed a bit."

His words were enough to calm you a bit, before memories came back to you of that day.

You remembered he was admitted in the hospital since he had mistakenly eaten one of your failed 'products' from your short-termed hobby, the ultimate herbal salad. You remembered him suffering from intense stomach ache and fever.

Oh the horrors.

You accompanied Jungkook, partly due to guilt and friendship.

The nanny could have cooked but since you were at fault to the reason of his hospitalization, you decided to personally cook and give him the special treatment. Luckily, you didn't suck much at cooking so you prepared light foods for Jungkook and yourself while you accompanied him in the his personal VVIP ward.

You, basically, lived with him in the ward comfortably since the hospital was owned by Jungkook's family, in other words, their long-term business buddy.

You cooked the ingredients that was already in the fridge, in the attached kitchen in his ward, and specially packed it for lunch.

When you two decided to eat at the hospital cafeteria for a 'fresh environment' (which exactly wasn't), you didn't like the noisy place so you two skipped to eating in the backyard park in the hospital.

You felt someone running towards you but you were too hungry to be bothered about it. While you took your spoon to scoop your painstakingly cooked lunch, you felt a knife pressed on your neck and someone kicking away your lunch.

You watched the foods scatter on the floor in a slow motion.

As the food hit the ground so did your heart. And the hell gates broke loose.

You only felt intense hatred to whoever intruded your time and space.

You grabbed the invader's hand so quick and threw him over your shoulder. You broke his hand that held the knife.

"Ah, I really hate when I'm disturbed while I'm eating, you know. And I hate it even more when my food is soiled," you chuckled darkly, "I really, really hate it."

The man was on the ground clutching his broken hand and tears falling down. Alarms were ringing in his head, saying that he messed up with the wrong person.

"Look, I'm sorry, I-I am very so-sorry." But no matter how much he apologized, you weren't going to let him off the hook.

"(Y/N)," Jungkook spoke out. He was a bit immune to this side of yours, at least immune enough not stay quite and watch you go on rampage.

"Kookie, back off for now, okay?" No matter how angry you were, you didn't want take it out on Jungkook so, you just kindly told him off.

Not waiting for a reply, you kicked the man on the face.

Jungkook said nothing. Both of you had long recognized the man. He was a wanted criminal who was a human trafficker and his face was all over the broadcast. This gave you a reason to kick the daylight out the man.

"This is for the people you kidnapped and killed." Three punches, six kicks, 3 slaps and one powerful stomp on his legs.

"Wait, this isn't enough. Lives were lost because of you, and many people were troubled and felt pain of losing their loved ones," you picked the knife from the ground and toyed with it. "Tell me how should I deal with you when you also fouled my food."

You pointed the knife at the man who was cowardly and fearfully looking at you.

"Tell me, should I stap you or skin you alive?" The man instantly shook his head, fearing for his life.

"Oh, how the people must have begged you to let them go," you twirled the knife around your fingers, "but you didn't let them go. Why would I let you go then?"

You didn't like this kind of situations at all, it was irritating and it bought back those horrible memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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