Chapter five:

19 2 0

Punishments are bounded to her 2

"And so, we're stuck in here for an hour?"

You were dumbfounded. An hour? Darn, that was one of the shortest punishments you've ever gotten.

You were exhilarated since you have gotten in a lot of troubles in the past, well, not like you don't currently, but the deserts you got before, were always longer than this. And of course, you loved gardening, it was the only hobby you had where you wouldn't act all rowdy and loud like a madman.

"And I will be monitoring you two," the discipline prefect eyed you and Jungkook.

Jungkook groaned at the thought.

Great, and now we are being watched by this guy.

You just ignored his sentence.

The prefect folded his arms as he phrased, "I expect you two to finish the gardening after an hour."

Your level of being irked by the prefect heightened, you did try to keep it under control but you just felt irritated. You eyed him and scoffed.

You were holding yourself back; you still weren't used to people acting high and mighty. You were after all kind of like 'sheltered' back then.

If it was the you of the past, you would have shown him what and who you really were but now, this was the present. You've tried hard to let the past go and turn into a new leaf. You wanted to be sheltered no more and hurt people.

Your hands were showing it's nerves from your tightend fists.

It's still your middle school days where kids were bold and fiery, hot-headed and impulsive, and valued friendships and relationships more.

It was the stage where most kids would be confused of the path they take and the stage where they needed guidance more, because they were at their vulnerable phase and their innocence at bay.

You closed your eyes, trying to keep your fiery personality in control. You took a deep breath and loosened your fists as you breathed out.

The prefect looked at you a bit acutely.

Jungkook who was in the background for quite a while, was worryingly looking at you.

You beamed a smile at the aloof guy. "What's your name by the way?"

You asked the first question that came to your mind to distract the boy from your unusual behavior.

Jungkook cringed.

The prefect's left eye twitched.

And you realized you asked a stupid question.

Stupid! We have name tags.

"Park Jimin."

The boy fixed his glasses and ruffled his hair a bit.

You were glad that he didn't point out the name tags' purpose.

Park Jimin. While looking at his name tag you called out his name. Remembering his name characters. Park Jimin.

So much for thinking he was a weak guy.

You mocked yourself.

"Well, I'm going to beautify this place then!" You bolted out your words as you grabbed the hoe with one hand while your other hand held the other gardening tools. You looked at the rooftop garden in adoration.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and lament silently. It wasn't much of a surprise to seeing your unsual behavior when there was someone who acted mightier than you.
He knew your past and your struggles. He's your best friend after all, even if it had ben only a year since you guys met. He could only comfort you and give familial love, and be there for you.

You were one of his hopes in his life too, and so was he in your life.

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