VII. Nobility Obliges I

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With further reasoning from your part and the words conveyed from Ser Aymeric, Fufucha was pressured into letting you stay. She took much consideration of your position as a possible medium that could deepen the still peace among man and dragon. Though in return, she insisted into staying in Ishgard as well, to keep a watchful eye over you. As for the other Botanists, most had taken leave to New Gridania the day after Ser Aymeric's address of Ishgard's plight but some had chose to stay, determined and foolish, to stretch out your guilds retreat in Coerthas.

Renji didn't argue your sense in you wanting to help the people of Ishgard. He knew how considerate and selfless you were when it comes to others despite how they treat you and, well.. he hoped Ork Kha was the main influence. You were bestowed an odd predicament with the dragon at your side and Renji had no place to take charge of something he couldn't fully comprehend, nor was it within his reach. You felt so beyond his reach. For once you had taken lead to a life that Renji had predominately dragged you around in. This angered and confused him yet he would still choose to never leave your side.

Beside needing to always watch over you from afar, there was an.. ulterior now to him, more than ever, to keep an extra eye on you. Renji didn't like the way the Lord Commander looked at you. The thought of it made his blood boil, even more so at the way you were so eager to listen in with the slightest mention of the commander. He's been frustrated ever since the events at Falcon's Nest  his emotions, actions were completely muddled because of you. He ignored you, avoided you just to mask his burning, wistful affections but that achieved him nothing. Howbeit, now that you were back, a challenge riled within him and he wasn't about to surrender the place at your side.


Your nerves began to rise as a formally dressed man, a retainer if you had to guess, left you with an oral invitation just outside your quarters at the inn. He came baring a request from Ser Aymeric to meet the Lord Commander himself at your earliest convenience at Our Knight's Most Heavenly. You hadn't expected him to call for you so soon. It's only been several days since your declaration at the tavern and Ser Aymeric had pledged his leisure company to you, anon, yet the news to meet him right away had your legs buckling. What plans did he have? Why in the Twelve's names' would he accompany you again..? Did you have to dress formally? Did you need to bring an appreciative gift?

Your thoughts tossed and turned but you didn't have the time to buy something, let alone ponder the idea of formal wear that you didn't have in the first place. You voiced an exasperated Ugh and put on your best common clothes. You didn't even want to fret on how awful you think you looked, so you eyed yourself in the mirror swiftly and swallowed your negativity as you headed towards the outside of the inn. You slipped past the midday bar goers and headed straight up the stairs unbeknownst of your follower.

You felt a hand lightly grab your shoulder just as you exited through the doors, pulling you from your anxious thoughts.

"And just where are you goin'?" Renji spoke.

His face had a concerned expression, and lately.. you couldn't quite pinpoint is excessive intervening. He gave you the cold shoulder before and now.. this?

"I.. Uhm.." You glanced to your destination just across the way. Conveniently so, Our Knights Most Heavenly is neighbored to the inn so you never would have to walk very far to see Ser Aymeric.

You didn't want to lie to Renji. What reasons would you need to keep the fact from him, or anyone for the matter, that you were associated with the Lord Commander? Mayhap you feared what others would think of their Lord if they saw him casually hanging around you. You weren't anything special, not to mention a foreigner. What would everyone think? Would they think anything at all? What would Renji think..? Your internal angst was way out of proportion but the worry over others clouded your mind.

My Dear Botanist [ Ser Aymeric x Reader ] (FFXIV)Where stories live. Discover now