zach looked down at his notebook, not even talking to jonah after what he had thought in class. he supposed that when one had a love disappointment there was always the bad taste in his mouth.

"hi, sweetie." the voice came from someone who was next to him.

zach turned his neck to the other side where it wasn't margo and met his gaze at his side, jonah stretched his legs and laid his back on the locker while he smiled at him sideways. "it's friday." he said as if that were something very prominent.

"they say so." zach replied.

"are we in a bad mood?" the older asked raising an eyebrow.

"are we in a good mood?" replied zach. jonah laughed before he saw someone else sitting next to zach. "hello, margo."

the freckled girl just shyly raised her hand to greet him. she didn't understand the situation, since when was there so much compatibility between zach and jonah? and since when does he call zach sweetie?

the freckled girl looked down at her phone, listening to the conversation but hiding that she wasn't even attentive. it was weird that zach didn't tell her these things, so she would have to find out for herself.

"it got worse?" jonah whispered closer to him and the blonde girl could barely hear him.

"what?" zach was confused of his question.

"sorry, it wasn't a question. your situation, it got worse." jonah whispered again. and the blonde girl couldn't understand the phrase.

zach became nervous because he was beginning to understand what they were talking about. "i don't have a situation."

"oh, no?"

"it's not as much as my situation." zach muttered a little annoying. it is ours or maybe only yours.

jonah said nothing, took out his phone and didn't talk to him. he didn't change his seat, the teacher arrived and zach prepared for him brain wash approaching. jonah didn't take out a notebook, but put away his phone and paid attention to the class.

meanwhile zach took notes that looked like scribbles. mostly his handwriting was beautiful and legible, his notebooks have everything organized, but in this class zach was a disaster. he passed his first exam almost to the limit, the second didn't survive and if he didn't pass the final one he would fail the subject. the song of queen started playing in his head. under pressure!

zach was so distraught trying to understand what the professor said he dragged his hands down his cheeks and was sure he was acquiring his expression of epic tragedy coming. he did not know how he was going to take the exam well, he had not understood the last classes and shutting himself up with the books didn't make it clear. fuck, fuck, fuck, i'm going to fail.

zach was so maniacal that he was watching his entire university career ending before it started. i am trapped and doomed to reprove eternally this, thought zach stressed. despite what many believed, zach was far from having control over his life. his life was a complete disaster. unless i push him down the stairs and he suffers an accident, poison him or i will have to kill him if after five years i'm still here.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒, 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 Ψ dorbyn [1]Where stories live. Discover now