Chapter 14

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Gosh you guys. You were so fast getting all those likes and comments that I couldn't keep up! Thank you! I so owe you guys a new update so here you go! Thanks again! :D


 Kylie's POV

As our car keeps driving to the church, Madi and I laugh and joke around about some youth group experiences. Every so often, either Madi or I will try to get her into the conversation so it won't seem like we are leaving her out, but she rejects any oppurtunities we present.

It's frustrating.  

I take a break from chatting with Madi to glance out the window. All I see are other cars and buildings passing by. No church yet. 

Who knows what's there? The book made it sound like treasure- something I would most definitely be excited to find. Speaking of the book, I grab my leather  backpack from the floor of the car, unzip it, and pull out the black canvas book. 

Madi gasps. "That's the book that you were telling me about?"

I smile and nod, brushing a loose dust particle off of the cover. 

"Can I see it?" she asks, hands already outstretched, grabbing for it. 

Carefully setting it in her hands, I watch her face intently, looking for any emotion to rise to the surface. Unsurprisingly, what I see is amazement and joy etched across her features. 

She gently flips the page and her fingers trace under the French words as she reads them. Madi knows more French than I, so she doesn't need any help translating. She finally reaches the last page a few minutes later. 

She bites her bottom lip and her finger stops trailing along the paper. "Oh. My. Gosh," she said. 

"Do you think it's treasure?" I ask, excitement spilling from my mouth. 

I even catch Emma looking semi-interested in Madi's unspoken answer. 

Her eyes twinkle. "I honestly have no idea. But our most important task is finding whatever 'it' is and returning it to whoever is the rightful owner."

Emma speaks up. "That's a lot of stuff you don't know for sure."

Madi answers back calmly, "There's a ton of things I don't know for sure. I don't know that I'm going to wake up tomorrow. I don't know that my family will always be ok. I don't know that there will always be enough to eat. I don't know anything about the future, but I know that there is always someone looking out for me. God always knows what's best for me, so even if I don't know, I'm postive that He does, and that he will let me know if that's what's right for me. I don't know if there's treasure, and I don't know where it is, and I don't know who the owner is, but if He wants us to go through with this, then we will find those things out."

A silence follows Madi's statements. Emma looks down at her hands that are wrapped around her coffee cup, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Emma and I's moms share a smile. 

We reach the church. "Be safe girls! Hope you find your treasure!" Mrs. Bennett grins at us.

Madi and I wave and chorus, "We'll try!" and Emma just nods and holds up her phone to confirm that she had it with her. 

All three of us look up at Greater New Hope Baptist Church. Here we go. 


70 likes and comments until next update! :D Sorry for taking forever! Please go read my other book though! It's much better. Comment below if you've read and/or are reading The Big Break! It will make my day! LOVE YOU GUYS! <3

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