Chapter 10

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AHHHHHH! THANK YOU GUYS FOR SO MANY LIKES AND COMMENTS! :D So sorry I'm posting later then promised. I was on vacation. So as promised..... here's the next part...


Emma's POV

I am so nervous. What if Kylie turns out exactly like my old friend? What if she ditches me for a new "project"?

I finally admitted to Kylie that I am scared, but I am going to hold out and not tell her why. That would be too embarrassing. Suggesting that she was going to ditch me, her best friend since we were born.

I know we are closer than sisters most of the time, but I haven't seen her in almost three years. I don't know how much she's changed since then.

Right now I am sitting on Kylie's light pink comforter looking down at my lap as if it is the most interesting thing in the world.

Kylie asks, "Why?"

I bite my lip and shake my head.

She sighs and sits down next to me. "I won't make you tell me. But I do want to know. And even if you don't tell me, please talk to me."

I move my gaze up to look at her. "I don't want to tell you why yet. I'm still scared."

My friend nods in understanding. "Sure. I understand. I mean, I was scared for you to come to D.C."

My perfectly plucked eyebrows furrow together. "Why were you scared about that?"

"I hadn't seen you in a long time. I was scared that we wouldn't have anything in common anymore. That we wouldn't have anything that kept us friends still," Kylie explains, her cheeks turning bright pink.

I nod but inside my mouth drops. She really thought we wouldn't be friends anymore?

Continuing, Kylie speaks, "I wanted us to be as close as we were before I moved. And I wasn't sure if that would happen."

I open my mouth to talk. "I guess we really don't know that much about each other anymore."

She gives me a lousy attempt at a smile, but you can still see the sadness that resides beneath it. Before she can respond to me, her mother calls from downstairs.

"Kylie, Emma! Come downstairs, girls! I made you guys dessert," she yells.

Together, Kylie and I sigh, but we both rush down the staircase to get whatever dessert had been leaving a delightful aroma all over the house.

When we reach the kitchen, I find both of our moms leaning against the counter eating ice cream out of some weird bowl.

I approach my mom and point at the strange bowl. "What is that?" I ask.

Mom smiles at me. "Marissa made snickerdoodle cookie cups."

Marissa, or Kylie's mom, chips in, "Then I scooped plain vanilla ice cream into it and drizzled caramel over it. I made some snickerdoodles eariler, so I crumbled a few up and topped the ice cream with the crumbles."

Kylie's mom hands the two of us our ice cream in their neat little cookie bowls. We sit down on the barstools and start eating our ice cream.

As I start shoveling some of the sweet, cold dairy treat into my mouth, I look over at Kylie.

Do I really not know her very well anymore? Could our friendship possibly be in trouble?


So there it is! Hope you enjoyed! A total of 35 votes on the book and a total of 35 comments. And don't worry. I don't mean on this chapter. I mean on the entire book. Thanks guys! Oh and I got to #6 on spiritual! I owe it all to your support. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I LOOOOOOVE YOU GUYS! :D <3 also if you have any suggestions for the story, comment below with your ideas and I might try to incorporate them into this book! :) ~fantastically

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