Chapter 11

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You guys did it!!! I'm so proud and happy! :D So, as I promised... here you guys go. I'm introducing a new character soon based off of a friend. :) If you actually read my author's notes, leave a funny comment below. MAKE ME LAUGH MINIONS. Sorry I'm hyper today.


Kylie's POV

I wake up suddenly from my peaceful sleep.

What is that noise?

I look around my room trying to find the source of the strange rumbling sound. My eyes land on Emma, curled up in a ball next to me- snoring.

And not just a little kitten snore- a bear snore. A fat polar bear snore.


But it is kind of cute in a way. Yeah, not really.

My other best friend snores too. I always tease her about it whenever I spend the night at her house, which is often.

Madi was my savior when I started school here. For the first time since first grade, I didn't live within walking distance of the school, so it was my first year of *gulp* public transportation. Also known as the bus.

I had gotten on and was looking around for an empty seat. I saw a girl dressed in a light blue v-neck shirt a few seats away smiling at me. I smiled back.

Yeah, that wasn't Madi. Turns out, whoever I saw was smiling at the person behind me. When I sat down next to that person I got some strange looks.

Madi was sitting right behind the person who I thought smiled at me. She rescued me and invited me to sit next to her. I gratefully sat down and we talked about our schedules for the school year and our lives.

As luck would have it, we had nearly every class together for the first semester and we were going to the same church.

Madi also invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch, and we all got along really well.

We started hanging around often, and became really good friends.

She has brownish/blondeish long hair that she dip dyed the ends pink. Madi is an amazing actress, which I found out when we had drama together. She really wants to act when she's older, but she swears that it's never going to happen.

Trust me. It will happen.

Madi is also super smart. We will be reading a mystery in class and she'll always be able to guess the ending based off of what happened..... Wait.

I grab my phone from off my night stand and press her number on speed dial.

"Hello...?" a sleepy voice answers. Whoops. Forgot it was only two AM.

"Hey Madi!" I squeal.

She yawns. "Hi Kylie."

"So guess what?"


"You have to guess!"

"Yeah, I'm not guessing Kylie."

I pout. "You are ruining my fun. Oh, well. So you know how my friend Emma is in town?"

"Yeah. You only told me twenty times."

"You're mean in the morning."

Madi growls, "It's not the morning though. It's only two-thirty!"

I wave my hand dismissively even though I know she can't see me. "Technicalities. Anyways, we found this book..." I continue explaining what had happened.

Madi's voice has changed over the phone call. Now she's much more excited and perky. "Really? That's so awesome!"

"Right?! Well, you should meet us at the church and help us find the treasure. Please?" I beg. I'm doing this for three reasons: To find the treasure, hang out with my two best friends, and possibly with Madi around, Emma will be more exposed to Christianity.

Madi answers. "I'm in."


So basically that entire chapter was just to introduce Madi.... YAY! :D A new character. This will be fun. GO READ THE NEW INSTALLMENT OF THE BIG BREAK!!! :D it would mean a lot to me. Alright... 43 comments and 43 votes on the book for the next part. using the words of my hero, Tigger, "TATA FOR NOW!"

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