Chapter 15

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"I really don't think now would be a good time to have the formal, with all do respect, sir," Shouta was back in the principal's office. Seemed like he was always here now.

"On the contrary," Tea, again. This man, man? Nezu had a routine. Shouta memorized it for shits and giggles, "now would be the perfect time, actually. It is the perfect opportunity to boost both student, and staff morale. I'm sure we can both agree that this year has been taxing more than others for students and staff alike, am I wrong?" 

"No, sir, I agree wholeheartedly."

"Then we hold the formal, and ensure that it goes well."

Shouta sighed, there really was no arguing with him, "Agreed."


They were in Eijiro's room for once. They usually stayed in Kat's room; but if she was being honest, the last thing she wanted was Mina and Hanta barging in on them. She'd been avoiding them since lunch.

They never went into Eijiro's room. Mina was always saying it was too tacky, but Kat didn't mind it. He was tacky. Really tacky... but it was cute.

"It..." his voice was that of a mouse. Kat could feel his breath through her hair; he'd plastered himself to her back when she'd lied down, "does it really hurt that bad?"

She didn't know how to answer, he sounded so hurt. Her grip around his palm tightened, "yeah..."

He stiffened like a vice... an act that always made her want to cry.

"I'm sorry..."

He shifted, and looked her in the eye when she turned to face him, confused as to why the redhead was now sitting upright.

"Why are you apologizing," He hated how she did that... it was only ever to him. Anyone else could 'get fucked' in her words... but for him, there was always an apology. Even when there didn't need to be.

The red of her eyes were no longer alone; they were irritated, and pink with tear stains. She slowly sat up next to him, but they didn't touch, "you put up with too much..." their eyes didn't meet. Instead, she refused to look away from her gloved hands; admiring the white, fire retardant fabric that allowed her to touch safely, "I know I've hurt you. Over and over. And yet... you stay. I don't get it."

"What's there to get?"

Their eyes finally met... both exhausted, but not from a lack of sleep, "Why?"

His hand reached out to hold hers, "because I love you."

"Then stop loving me..." Eijiro tried to keep hold of her, but to no avail. That firefly hand of hers slipped right out like a snake out of a garden hose. All he had of her was the piece of white fabric.

One would think tears left his eyes easily, but the opposite was true;mnb  "Why?"

He always knew when she was upset. Others never caught on, always thinking she activated her quirk on purpose; a scare tactic. They couldn't be more wrong. In the ebony of his room, it shone like the brightest star. Why was it that the most deadly of objects... were always the most beautiful.

"I'm gonna break you, Kiri."

The smallest of smiles on his face dimmed the light emitting from her palm; a steady hand offered the glove that she held so dear. The ebony returned, "I'm unbreakable, remember? Inside and out."

She said nothing, just let him pull her close.

"I'm here, okay," he choked back a crack in his voice, and shut the tears in, "'til the end... no matter how soon that is."

The sentence that left his lungs, while short - burned - as if she'd sent a blast down his throat, and into his very core. No tears were shed on either end... for different reasons.

He couldn't let himself. She needed an anchor.

And she had none left.


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