A Nice Nap

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"do you need to go home or the bar?" Classic smiled and started up the car.

"I'd rather avoid home for a bit... and work isn't for a few hours..." Blackberry looked at Classic.

"so my place? or do you want to go to one of the area I like?" Classic hummed and pulled out of the parking space.

"I-I don't mind." Blackberry stared at the chocolate as he watched out the window.

He didn't realize they were at Classic's place until Classic got out. Black scrambled out of the car and rushed after him.

Classic hummed and waited for Black at the door. He offered Black a spare key, Blackberry took it, nervous and all around confused as to why he was being given a key, he barely knew the guy, and Classic barely know him, this was going all too fast for him. He didn't even know if he actually had any feelings for this person!!

"you can keep it" Classic hummed as he walked in and plopped down on the couch.

"Really?" He frowned a bit.

"I trust you enough not to rob me." Classic chuckled

"You do?" He took the joke quite literal

"Yeah, I do." Classic nodded.

"Why?" He walked into the apartment and closed the door.

"have you done anything to prove me wrong?"

'Apparently you don't know what a con-artist is--' Black nodded and walked over.

"Not yet" he hummed at the key

"so I trust you til that point." Classic smiled. Black scoffed softly and sat on the couch with Classic. Black sighed and decided to keep the key.

Classic chuckled and nuzzled into the hoodie he wore "what do you want to do now?"

"Share this chocolate" Blackberry waved it at him. "If I don't eat it now I won't later."

Classic smiled and opened the chocolate and took a chunk, Black also took a chunk and popped it into his mouth.

"I haven't had chocolate in such a long time" Black purred at the candy little hearts in his eyes now as as Black indulged Classic took a picture.

'Got them' he mouthed, Black blinked and looked over, Classic turned off his phone in an instant.

"What did you do?" Black frowned his eyes going back to normal

"nothing" Classic shrugged

"I saw you move... oh-" Black saw the phone, "Sorry." He didn't think Classic took a picture, he just thought Classic pulled his phone out. He stiffly popped another chocolate in his mouth.

"you don't have to be nervous" Classic chuckled.

"I'm not nervous." Another chocolate in Black's mouth, Classic scoffed and took the chocolate away, Black pouted.

"W-well... I—" Black frowned "b-being in another person's home... one can easily assume that when they are alone together..." Black looked down flustered

Classic smiled at him and offered the bag back. "hey, do I look like would have the energy to do that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Black looked back at him confused, hearing something else.

"I mean do I look like I have the energy or even want to do that?" Classic explained

"Oh... ehheh..." Black had a bit of pride damaged there and it showed. Not that he wanted to do THAT, STARS NO! But the 'even want to' part, that felt like a punch to the gut.

"No... you don't..." Everything else was left unsaid. He wanted to leave now... he screwed up, his face must have been a cherry red, he didn't want to be humiliated anymore. He stood up, unsure how to leave without looking like a coward, so he sat right back down.

"sorry, did I offend you?" Classic shifted.

"No, not at all just getting comfortable." Blackberry tilted his head at an angle that would make it hard to actually see his face as he stretched out his limbs allowing them to pop loudly.

Classic hummed and poked Black's side making the smaller jump and glare at him.

"Why'd you do that?!" He wasn't angry in the slightest

"to see if you were ticklish." Classic smirked

"I though you already tested that..." Black sighed.

"I forgot" he shrugged

"Why don't I believe that?" Black made himself sound annoyed, he really wasn't annoyed at all he was just trying to get Classic to leave him alone, but instead Classic hugged him. Black watched him and stayed quiet.

"I knew it." Classic smiled.

"Knew what?" Black leaning into the hug

"that you need a hug" Classic chuckled.

"Oh is that what I need? This is the longest hug I've ever had." Black hummed smiling slightly.

"yet you're not pulling away~" Classic cooed

"And I haven't heard your apology." Black countered feigning an annoyed huff.

"why should I? I can tell you're enjoying it." Classic looked to him, moving Black a bit closer to him

"I want one?" Black finally glanced back, giving him a pout

"eh" Classic smiled and laid his head on Black's chest.

"Why not?"

"I just don't see the need to apologize when you are content like this." Classic answered

Black couldn't argue not without submitting that he was offended and upset about what Classic had said earlier. He sighed might as well change the subject.

"Well I... just don't wake me up I have to get a bit of sleep before my shift..." Black said as he set an alarm on his phone and set it aside.

"understood" Classic chuckled, he was smiling like a bitch. Black ignored the look, as he tried to relax and settle down, Black would slowly drift off to a half asleep half awake state. Classic just laid his head on Black and started to doze off himself.

'this is perfect...' Classic hummed and smiled at himself all was as it should be, that is...

Until Black's alarm blared like a siren.

Words: 965
Date: 03-17-2020
A/N: So a quick little note here, it's 1:20 AM for me,  don't think I plan on sleeping, so if there is a typo or something, please be advised I am not in the mood for grammar :P I luv you guys and thank you for sticking through with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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