Introductions Pt.2

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Blackberry was late. He was running in, being late with so little staff and a lot of people... you'd be called out and he most definitely was.

"You're late!" Killer hollered the minute Blackberry came through the door.

"Yes sir..." Blackberry shriveled when he saw there were already people at the bar...

Thankfully, he was in his uniform. So he just slipped behind the counter.

The first thing he noticed was someone who couldn't handle their liquor, face down holding a small cup of whiskey, or some alcohol of that nature...

He sighed not wanting to deal with this this early in his shift, so he left the blue jacketed fellow be and tended to his other customers.

Blackberry looked over when the blue hooded drunk started moving and cried out a few upset words.

Blackberry decided he was going to talk to him, doubts swelled, he shook them off and drummed the bar to get the drunk's attention.

"Hey..." the drunk responded.

"Looks like you need another." Blackberry said leaning against the counter.

"Pro'ly shouldn', have ta drive home..." the drunk shrugged. He pulled his hood down.

"Geez dude it sounds like you shouldn't be driving at all." Blackberry grimaced.

Another shrug. "Pro'ly, what brings you here?"

"I work here." Blackberry smiled, he liked the drunks that were dumbed down and clueless, they were fun to mess with.

Better than the angry ones that tend to start fights for no reason. He dated someone like that before... he didn't like it...

"Welp! I'm officially drunk..." The—what Blackberry now recognized what his species was—skeleton sat up fully, looking a bit distressed.

"Yup, but that doesn't mean you can't stay." Blackberry hummed.

The skeleton chuckled and looked at Blackberry. "Tryin to make me stay? Sure you want this drunk, depressed heap here?"

"I don't mind, it's better than th—" Blackberry yelped as a paper airplane hit his ass. Blackberry picked it up off the ground and grumbled few words as he crumbled the paper up.

"I'll be back..."

The—apparently not too drunk—skeleton smiling watching with an entertained smile as Blackberry stormed over to the small group of idiots.

"Shall I remind you I have the right to refuse to serve you! So behave yourself or I'll kick you out!" Blackberry snapped, he slammed the once decent paper airplane on the counter.

"Now order, or leave!" Blackberry waited. The group decided to pay and leave. After attending to a few more customers Blackberry returned to the awaiting skelly.

"Hey, so staying or leaving?" Blackberry asked with a small false smile.

The skeleton shrugged again "If you want me to. It's lonely at my apartment."

Blackberry shrugged "Nah I'll get in trouble if I make you stay without you looking like you're going to order something."

Blackberry pulled out a menu and handed it to the blue hooded skeleton. "Here pretend to order, feel free to call me over if you want to talk, I'm here ALL night long."

The skeleton nodded and took it, looking through it as Blackberry tended to his customers again.

It'd be a while before Blackberry came back over, at first it was just to check on him, but the second time...

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