A Long Conversation

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Edge sat Honey down on the bed and he sat beside him.

"I'm sorry..." Honey leaned on Edge squeezing the other's hand. "I wish he would stop doing this..."

Edge pulled Honey closer "I know I know, me too." He kissed Honey's forehead and pet his head.

They sat there for a bit before Edge straightened at an idea that formed in his head. Honey looked up at him curiously.

"How about we offer him a deal?" Edge offered.

"What kind of deal?" Honey shifted.

"We give him an offer." He raised his voice a little to get Black's attention, he knew Black could hear them with how thin the walls were. "He gets his act together or he lives in a jail cell instead of his 'friend's' home. He'll have three months, that way he can learn about his 'friend'."

Hesitantly, Honey nodded. "Okay? But, I'm not dealing with his jail time."

"Then I'll take care of it then," Edge nodded, he looked at the door "How does that sound?"

Blackberry looked at the door, he didn't want Honey to agree.

"That's fine." Honey nodded.

Black looked down, he listened to the rest of the conversation.

"Good, his three months will start at the end of this week." Edge laid Honey down and kissed Honey's neck, maybe he could cheer him up.

He gave Honey's neck a lick resulting in an onslaught of happy noises from underneath Edge.

Edge put his mouth next to Honey's ear. "Can this bone man, make you a happy boned man?"

"Edgy..." He blushed "not while Black is here..." He whined and gently pushed Edge away. Edge unhappily complied. He rolled off of Honey and laid on his back.

"Fine... but he deserves to hear it after making you worry so much." Edge turned to Honey.

Honey shook his head and stuck his tongue out, Edge leaned in and nipped it, he snickered as Honey squealed. He let Honey pull away.

"EVIL!!" He covered his mouth. He gave Edge a pout as his lover cackled. Honey crawled on him and licked Edge's jawline.

Edge's laugh turned into a sweet moan, "P-pot meet kettle"

"Well, it's a tiny taste of my revenge." Honey snickered "Tell me you love me and I might forgive you."

Edge kissed Honey's chin. "I love you Honey."

"YOU GUYS!!" Black hissed embarrassed. Honey laughed while Edge smirked.

"Gahh... I'm going to bed, try not to break any springs on that bed of yours!" Black snatched his phone and ran to his room, feeling satisfied when he heard Edge's laughter boom inside the room.

Honey's face was a bright glowing orange as he glared at Edge.


Black plopped on his bed and curled up on his bed and pulled out his phone, he hesitantly pulled up Classic's chat, he read all the worried texts, he started to shrinking into his bed feeling just awful.

Sassy Stranger: Classic


{There you are! Thank god you're okay! You scared me!}

{I did?}

{Of course, what do you expect? You're supposed to be my future roommate soon.}


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