Kravens kill

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(Tobey's P.O.V)
   I arrived to the edge of the jungle and looked up the massive waterfall to see wade halfway up. I looked for a good path in the water breaks and quickly charged at the wall and ran up it. "On three let go! 1...2...3!" Wade did as I said and I shot a web and slingshotted Wade up and  and used him momentum for me to pull myself up.
  Wade face planted onto the rocks and I landed perfectly. "Oh my god." I said as I saw Tom with bloody hands holding his ribs from being kicked by Kraven the Hunter . Then I saw all three body's in the water.  "Deadpool get those guys safety I'll go help Tom!"  I said before I ran towards Tom. "Back off!" I said as I wrapped up Kraven in webs. "That's not gonna work." Tom said as he stood up straighter. Kraven cut the webs with a hidden knife. "He then grabbed the webs and wrapped his hands in them and jumped up and began to scale the wall with his webbed cover hands.
  "Don't let him get away!" Deadpool yelled from behind us and we quickly began to run up the wall. Once we reached the top leaven stood there with a smug smirk before around fifty spears shot from the jungle. Tobey and I jumped back down the cliff shooting a web gl catch ourself and after the arrows stopped we launched ourselves back up. "Where did he go?" I said as we landed to leaven gone. "He must have headed into the jungle no wait Tom get down!" Tobey said as he pushed me down Kraven had thrown two boomerang blades and they both landed in Tobey's back instead of mine. "Ow pull them out!" He said. As I pulled them out of Tobey my leg was hit with a blow dart. "No more spider sense cheating little spiders." He said as he walked towards us. Holding a spear in one hand.
(Steve's P.O.V)
I stood over Tony's suit which was powered down and he was locked inside it. "An EMP must have shorted something out! Steve can you still here me?" Tony said but his voice was muffled through his suit. "Do you want me to just break it open?" I said not really knowing what else to do. "Yeah um...yeah just try hitting the gold part right above the arc. It's about a half an inch wide you see it? Just don't hit the arc reactor or you know it could implode and kill me. But you got this I trust you." He said kinda shaky. "We can just call Shuri or one of the boys." I said offering an alternative. "No you gotta break it off I'll run out of oxygen before anyone gets here and your phone won't get reception in this jungle."
After a second I whipped the sweat from my brow. I raised my shield over my head and slammed it down into Tony's suit and there was a slight click and his chest piece split open. I peeled it off and helped him up. "Can I see you phone? I'm gonna try to get the coms back up." Tony said as he pulled a few cables from his suit. I handed him my phone and he opened the back and took out the battery. "This should be just enough power to get a location. Hold on boys dads are coming."
(Tobey's P.O.V)
   I swear to god we were running in circles. "Do you see him I can't sense anything."  Just then out of no where Kraven swung down kicking Tom in the chest driving a spear into his shoulder and swinging back towards the waterfall. I ran after him and as I reached the ledge I saw kraven standing over Tom about to drive the spear in his heart. I quickly webbed up his hands and with a swift tug I sent him barreling towards me through the air... and then a sharp stinging in my chest." I began to cough up blood in my mask and everything went silent and cold. I saw Tom I could tell he was screaming but I couldn't here him I just fell off the ledge the wind penetrating my suit numbing my skin and then a slash and everything went dark.
(Tom's P.O.V)
   I watched my brother die I couldn't see through his mask but I just knew it was over. As I choked on tears I muttered but a single phrase that would permanently impact the rest of my life. "Karen... Protocol IS-101 Instant kill." The lenses of my eyes turned to narrow red dots and nanotechnology began to deep into my suit and the Iron Spider suit encased my body three long sharp legs extend from my back and lifted me of the ground. I immediately tackled Kraven into a tree and the three arms began wrapping him in the strongest web fluid I had and after he was completely encased I hung the squirming sack from the tree and lowered back down to my feet as I watched the three arms repeatedly stab through the webs and into Kraven causing my suit to be splattered with blood and and I felt nothing but numb.
   After what felt like an eternity the web sack was nothing more than a red bloody mush pile. I grabbed it and jumped down to the water below. Andrew was crying over Tobey's body and as I landed everyone looked up and Gwen said "Oh my god!" as she covered her mouth and stared at me covered in Kraven blood and guts. "Tom you ok babe?" Wade said as he ran up to me. I didn't say anything I just tossed the bloody sack of what used to be Kraven on the ground and began to walk away.
(Tony's P.O.V)
   Nothing could prepare me for the horrors I would see on that waterfall. Me and Steve approached to see Andrew bloody and bruised crying over Tobey's dead body and Tom standing there covered in blood and guts with instant kill still active with a bloody mass at his feet. Steve and I Immediately ran over to Tobey's Body. Steve pulled a sobbing Andrew off his dead brother and into his arms. Tom just stood staring off the waterfall into the distance he just turned his head slightly and said. "You should get Tobey out of here. He deserves a proper burial and service. Don't look for me." And Tom jumped off the waterfall I immediately rushed over to the edge to see where he went and he was gone. We must have stayed on that waterfall for hours.
   A week later we had a funeral and out of the corner of my eye I saw Tom on the roof in the Iron-spider suit but it was spray painted black and white he just sat there for a minute but the time I made my way up to the roof he was gone.

(Wade's P.O.V)
"Damn this shit got sad! But hey like Gwen pool said we didn't have many chapters left and this is the end make sure to vote comment and follow it will help in my efforts to find my boyfriend have a good one folks DP signing out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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