Getting picked off

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(Tom's P.O.V)
It was a particularly warm summer day and I was not a good mood being stuffed in a jet with My Dad, Pops, Tobey, Andrew, Gwen, Harry, and Wade. "Are we almost there it's getting kinda cramped back here!" I said as I elbowed Tobey. "We are almost there just sit tight for a little longer." Pops said as he continued to fly the jet without looking back. "This is gonna be such an amazing vacation!" Wade said practically bouncing in his seat. "For the last time Wade its not a vacation it's a mission. Alright guys hold on we are passing the barrier."
   We all basically rushed off the crowded jet and we were immediately met with a hologram of Shuri the Princess of Wakanda. "Hey Tom long time no see!" She said excitedly before my Dad stepped out of the jet after cloaking it. "Hello Mr. Stark so we have a small intruder problem they have infiltrated our boarder and has remained hidden in our jungle. Every team I have sent out to find them have not returned I need you and your team to go investigate and bring the culprit to justice. I'm sending you a topological holographic map of the area it should be in your headsets Spidermen and woman and Mr Stark the rest of you check your phones. Good Luck!" She said before she did the Wakandan arm cross and the hologram ended.
"Ok we are gonna break off into teams of two and search in a crescent shape into the corner of the south boarder any trouble call for backup. Tom and Wade, Andrew and Gwen, Tobey and Harry, Me and Tony." Pops quickly called out orders and we followed them and broke off into groups and going to our designated checkpoints.
"Everyone at there checkpoints? We all have ten miles to cover and investigate before nightfall." Soon we all started our trek into the jungle. "Ooo look at this flower!" Wade said as he ran over to a flower in the middle of a clearing immediately setting off my spider senses. "Wade dont!" It was to late and Wade was sinking in Quicksand. "Whoops. Help please." Wade said as he reached his arms out to me like a toddler. I walked up a tree and and upside down on a branch and once again my spider senses started to tingle but it wasn't the branch I quickly webbed up Wade and pulled him out of the quicksand. "I think we are being watched." I said as I kept my head on a swivel.
"You should radio Andrew and Gwen they are the closest. See if they feel it too I'll set up camp." Wade said as he began to unpack a nano tech tent. "Hey Andrew...Gwen do you feel anyone watching you guys to your west?" It was quiet after I asked and while I waited for a response I turned on my thermal vision. "Yeah we are picking up something but it's faint we will make our way west and see if it amplifies." Gwen replies. I began to scan my surroundings but due to the thick jungle I wasn't able to.
We had been sitting around the fire for forty-five minutes with no messages from Andrew or Gwen. "Hey Karen do you have Andrew or Gwen's location." I said as I took a the bag of marshmallows from Wade and ate two. "It seems they are even further than an hour ago and they are no longer moving. I'll send you coordinates." Karen said and a small arrow appeared in the bottom part of my vision pointing me in their direction. "Hey Wade lets go I'll call for backup on the way."
I got to the edge of the jungle the arrow pointed me up towards the massive water fall. "Im not gonna be able to get up there fast enough the rocks are to slippery you go ahead and make sure they are ok." Wade said and I nodded and told Karen to decrease my glove thickness to get more grip on the slippery walls.
As I scaled closer to the top I could see webs stuck to the side and some blowing in the wind. "Hey Karen I really hope someone is in route to me I got a bad feeling I don't even need spider sense to know this could go south fast." I said as I climbed and wiped my lenses of water that was streaming from the top. "Your dads are currently to far but it seems your dads suit is offline. But don't worry Tobey is on his way actually he is on the coms now." Karen said to me in a reassuring tone. "Tom are you alright! I can't find Harry anywhere!" He said in a panicked tone. "I'm fine I'm coming up on Andrew's tracker." I said as I jumped onto the ledge where I saw Gwen and Andrew lying on there back in the water there blood turning the water around them a faded cloudy red.
I rushed over and saw that Gwen was still breathing but Andrew wasn't. "OH MY GOD ANDREWS NOT BREATHING!" I said panicked over the coms while I dug through my pouch and grabbed my metal lined webs and began to shoot them to wrap my hands. "Tom I must advise against this!" Karen warned me but I just turned on my taser webs shocking Andrew once... nothing. My hand began to burn from the electricity. I shocked him again and he took a huge gasp of air. "Andrew relax just breathe oh my god." I said as pulled off my gloves that were drenched in my blood and burnt skin and I could feel my healing factor already kicking in. "This spider is much craftier than the last two maybe you will be a more worthy prey." A man covered in animal skins said as he walked out of one of the many caves in the cliff side. The man tossed Harry's body into the water by Gwen and Andrew also bloody and battered.

Beta read by yours truly

Hey guys enjoy the cliff hanger😈

Three Spiders in a Web- RewovenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon