Structural Collapse

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(Tom's P.O.V)
   Andrew was on the phone with Gwen was while sitting in the arm chair as I watched T.V when I heard the elevator door ding. "Can you stop being so... You!" Dr.Strange said. "Why would I do that I'm so utterly fabulous!" Dad snapped back. "I can't be here when your like this!" Dad said as he stormed off. "Your like this!" Dr. Strange said as he portaled away.
   "Another fight? That's like the second one today." Gwen said over the phone. "Yeah we are probably gonna head over to our Pops house before patrol tonight I'll see you there ok." They did there three minutes routine of "No you hang up!" Before we both got suited up and left.
Andrew and I landed in the alley outside of Pops house. "Hey did you see that video of Tobey? Do you want to take care of that?" Andrew said as he pointed at the security camera on the corner. I waited for Karen to disable it and then we changed in the alley into street clothes. "Here!" Andrew said as he lifted the dumpster and pulled out our book bags that we put our suits in. "What video were you talking about?" I said as I stuffed my suit into the bag. "Here check it out." He said as he pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed play on a video and threw it to me.
The video started playing and There was Tobey holding a car dangling off a bridge and as he lost his footing he slammed his nuts on a light post. Me and Andrew had a good laugh at Tobey's expense. After about five or so minutes of laughter and replaying the video Pops door opened and out stepped out holding a trash bag. "Hey boys what are you doing out here you aren't supposed to be here till Wednesday." 
He said as he opened the dumpster. "Nothing we just wanted to get out of the house before patrol tonight. Andrew said as we followed Pops inside.
   As we walked into the tiny living room the size of my bedroom in the tower I heard plastic crinkling and I could tell Andrew noticed it to. As we looked over the couch we  saw Tobey shifting with ten bags of ice on his groin. "What happened buddy?" Andrew said as he jumped over and onto the couch. "Not a word." He said as me and Andrew giggled. "Come on buddy don't have a pole up your ass." Andrew said resulting in a bag of ice being thrown at him.
   I made my way to the kitchen where Bucky was reading the paper. "He little man how's it going." He said as he put the paper down. "Pretty good just getting a snack before I go on patrol tonight."  I said as I pulled out an green apple from the bowl on the counter. "Hey Tom! We got a problem!" Tobey said as I heard the ice bags fall on the floor. I walked back into the living room and one of the new skyscraper buildings was on the news so to the supports collapsing. "You guys better get going, Call me if you need me!" Steve said as we ushered out the door.
   All three of us swung into the scene. "Karen give me the strongest points on the surrounding buildings." I said as Karen scanned the building and highlighted the strongest points. "Ok Tom you make sure to catch the falling debris Andrew you try to slow this buildings collapse down and I'll save all the civilians below! Go!" Tobey bossed. "Gosh always the attention hog." Andrew said sarcastically as he swung upwards.
   "Ok Karen scaffolding webs." I said as I shot out foamy webs on the strong points of the surrounding building to make a square. The foam hardened to the strength of steel. "Ok gotta be smart I need to make a net." I said as I scooter along the scaffolding webs to and shooting webs across in a grid formation. I my spider sense went haywire as a big metal beam fell next to me on the scaffolding knocking me into the net. "Why are my spider senses still going off it already fe-" just as I said that another beam fell and I caught it stretching the net. "Care to do a better job up there!" I yelled at Andrew.
   I felt him use a web to pull the beam off me. He jumped down to me. "This isn't  isn't gonna hold you should have used a triangle or circle this net is gonna break under this pressure help me take some of the pressure off." He said as he started to wrap the debris in a ball. "Karen web snare." I said as I flung a webs are at the mass. It all got condensed into a ball of webbing. "Show off.Now web the ball to the tops of those 3 building it should ease some of the pressure on your poorly engineered net." I did what he said and I felt the net rise from the lighter load of pressure.
   There was nothing more we can do it would be up to the construction crews to get rid of the massive mess. Once the people were safe we made our way back to Pops house. Where we crashed on the couch before dinner.

A/N it's so good to be back with the superfamily make sure you follow for updates on posting schedules and more!

Beta read by yours truly

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