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"Be safe, Zim. Don't stress yourself out."
"Bye. Gir, keep an eye on him."
"Yes sir."
I wonder if this is actually the situation, or if it's reversed in a sense. I am curious.
When I explained the situation, Zim didn't understand. He didn't understand any of the process. So I had to explain the eggs, what it was, how an egg gets fertilized, what usually comes out of them, how often this happens for different species. He's struggling. He doesn't know what this really is. I gave him a link to an educational site that isn't porn hub, but I don't know if he'll use it or not.
Where does she come from? How long has she been waiting for me around my house? And how has nobody noticed?
"I have been waiting for you, numbskull."
"I took Zim out to dinner. What do you want, Tak?"
"To talk to you about my emotions."
"You believed Zim? You never listen to him."
"I am in desperate need of help. I wish to talk to someone who is use to getting these questions."
"I see. I am use to it. Alright, you can come in if-"
"No. I do not wish to go in there. That girl is in there."
"The only girl in there is my sister. You afraid of my sister too?"
"Your sister seemed rather judgmental over the decision that you made."
"Yeah, I know. No helping it."
"And yet you care for Zim?"
"Yeah. My sister doesn't dictate my life. And I feel like she just needs a reason to see that I'm not wrong for liking Zim. But if she never does, that's her choice."
"Why does she hate the fact that you are happy?"
"Why do you care? I don't mean to be rude, but you hate us. You especially hate Zim. So why the sudden interest?"
"I might hate him, but I've never seen an irken genuinely happy. Victorious, yeah. Pompous, sure. Never just happy."
"So you don't understand why someone else would hate another person's happiness."
"I suppose. Dispite how much I despise that little green worm, I saw a side I wasn't use to seeing. Surprising and yet... it was exciting to see. I want pure happiness."
"I see."
"How do I retrieve such joy?"
"Dude, don't sound so manipulative. There are loads of things you can do to be happy. But that is from a human perspective. Irkens seem to need people, certain people, to be happy."
"Give it time. You'll find someone. Or you could help out others. Like... threatening the man who put the idea that same sex relationships are bad, into my sister's head."
"What will that do?"
"It might help her and it might help you. How did you get over the gas in your system so easily?"
"I assume it's because I've had small doses throughout time. So there wasn't a large amount in my system like there was with Zim."
"Hmm. So after being away from your home like chambers here on earth, you no longer had the irken air around you at all."
"Nope. It's strange. I knew what the irken air was made of, I didn't think twice on how they react and change a creature's behavior."
"Why not?"
"Anything to please My Tallests and be just like them. They breathed the same air as we did and-"
"Actually the gasses listed that do the most manipulating are heavy gases. Only you guys were breathing them. The Tallest were not."
"Are you being serious?"
"As serious as a shark attack."
"Son of a Zoozoo!"
"An alien species."
"How many alien species are there?"
"There were once over two thousand different species. Because of the irkens, there are only three hundred."
"Oh wow."
Or so I thought. A lot of the remains of the races we destroyed are here. Trying to survive."
"Well that is good. If only they had some place to go. Come inside."
"If I must."
"My dad is home right now. So we should be fine for a little while."
"Dib! You have a stupid alarm going off on your room!"
Speak of the devil."
I looked away from Tak and saw Gaz standing at the door, anger written all over her face. But that quickly melted away to a look of confusion.
"Wait, is that Tak?"
"Yeah. Fuck off!"
"She hates you!"
"And yet I would rather be around her than you! Come on, Tak. I gotta check that alarm."
"Might as well, Dib. I am right behind you."
I ran into the house, passed Gaz, passed the study, where dad was, and to the stairs.
There is an alarm going off. That is the sound of my alien alert alarm. Any time an alien enters the Milkey Way Galaxy, my alarm goes off. Judging by how loud and how fast it's going, they entered the side we were close to.
Opening my room door I saw a giant elliptical shaped ship, flying a decent speed, seemed to be going in the direction we were in.
"Oh no. That's a rooper ship."
"Rooper? Clarence is a rooper. Oh no."
"He must have called his people. That is what they call a Destructo Multo."
"Oh no. I need to get a hold of-"
"Son, can you turn that alarm off? It is distracting me from my work. Wait a moment. What is that?"
"Nothing, Dad."
"That thing looks familiar. I don't know why. What is this son? I let you do certain things, but I want an explanation."
"You won't believe it, dad. You never do."
"Seeing this... gives me a headache."
"Your father doesn't seem to be doing well."
"I must figure out... what is going... on."
Oh no. He's down.
"Shit. Gaz!"
"Dad passed out! I need your help!"
"Isn't your father an-"
"Shh. Gaz doesn't know this. Any of this."
"That is Glorpsnot."
"You say that too? Nevermind, situation at hand. I need to call-"
"Whoa? Ah!"
Looking down, my father slowly opened his eyes and removed his goggles. His eyes were blue. Very blue. What happened to his brown eyes?
"Me? I'm a dad?"
"Oh shit. He doesn't have a memory at all."
"What year is it?"
"fourteen years. So the medicine finally wore off. Who are... wait a moment. Dib? You were a success?"
"Tak. Call the agency. The head man is gonna wanna see this. Dad, sit down."
"What happened with dad? He looks fine. Whoa, blue eyes. Blue eyes? What?"
"Who's this?"
"Uh, i'm your daughter."
"The second project. Wow you both grew up so well."
"Dib, what the hell did you do to Dad?!"
"Nothing. Just help me out. Dad stay here with your daughter. I gotta make a call."

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