New Mexico Territory: 2

Start from the beginning

"Okay," I said finally, "if you will help us get to our sister, then okay."

"Gracias mi amigos. I promise you, both the Sheppards and Hall Jacks have an army, an extra gun is exactly what you'll need." He stood and called Ruffle to follow him outside, Deak and I assumed we were to follow as well, and did so.

The was bright with blue and the rays of a beaconing sun. The temperature was a little too hot for my liking, however. A scorpion rested on a cactus just off the foot path Rodriguez had built to lead to the front door of his house. Sand and small rocks crunched beneath my feet in the treacherously empty desert of New Mexico.

Rodriguez led us into town and to Rosa's small hut. The interior was bare, she didn't even have a wallpaper, the inside was made of the same material the outside was. There was a thatch pole in the middle of the hot that held the roof up. The roof was as dilapidated as the rest of the house, having multiple holes that allowed large rays of light enter the house, buckets took the place under the roofs holes to catch rain that she would boil over a fire pit dug into the ground of the middle of the house. The fire pit allowed for dirt and ash to get onto the battered wood flooring, large rocks were placed in a circle around the hole to prevent the fire from spreading.

Rosa and Rodriguez shared a conversation in spanish after introducing Deak and I to the elderly woman. Ruffle seemed to recognise Rosa and was immediately comfortable in her presence. Deak and I didn't say a word, Rosa seemed to only have spoken spanish. After they conversed, Rodriguez led us to the train station on the very edge of town.

"Okay, it is twelve right now. We will wait until a shipment comes, and then we'll hop on the very back of the train last second." Rodriguez commanded.

Deak and I sat on a bench that was located to the left of the station, where usual passengers would wait. Rodriguez leant on a stack of cracks and tilted his hat forward. I noticed he kept his eyes sealed to the outdoor clock that stood tall, in the very middle of the wood platform. Deak and I tilted our hats in over our eyes as we were likely to be noticed due to our first impression on the town. Deak still hadn't explained how he knew Estonian Miguel, I suppose I need not ask anyway.

I pulled out the pocket watch Caroline gifted me. I starred at it for a long time, admired it's silver beam of light and the suns ray reflecting off of it and onto the clock. My Winchester hung loose on my back and I cleaned my Mauser from any grime I saw. Rodriguez admired my pistol.

"Where did you get that pistola?" He asked.

"I got it off this German Deak and I were robbing. I had a colt army model for a long time before then, then before that, Deak and I shared the same model of volcanic pistol. Before he modified the rocket balls to explode. My Winchester and double barrel, I've had since before our father was killed."

"I'll never forget thirteen year old Frederick chasing after rabbits and getting knocked back on his ass by the kick back of that damned Winchester. Thing's insane, man. Nearly broke my damn arm shooting that relic at that Mexican town."

"It was you two?" Rodriguez stiffened.

"Pardon?" I holstered my Mauser.

"The Clements massacre." He explained.

"Sure." Deak stood leaning against the standing clock smoking a cigarette and had his right hand stuffed into his duster coats pocket, his hat was tilted forward like mine, so you couldn't see his eyes, or most of his face. I shared the same positioning of my hat, but it was slightly less tilted and more so just placed with the brim nearly touching my eyebrows.

"My friend was in that town." Rodriguez said looking off into the vast desert.

"Your friend shot first." Deak responded cockily.

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