chapter 13

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Hannah's POV

"Ella stop!"

"This is what you get!"

I open my eyes to the sun shining through the windows of my room. It feels so early but I'm gonna have to get used to it. It's currently Monday, August 31. School Starts tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to it.

I was woken up by the sound of one of the boys yelling at Ella. I'm not even shocked, this is a pretty normal thing that happens in our household. Ella loves pissing them off and we all know when she does, you can probably hear it from down the street!

Finally, I hop out of my bed and see that it's 8:42 a.m. I walk over to my windows and look outside. That's when I realize what's going on. Ella basically has the twins cornered while holding a huge watergun. I mean she could probably just throw them into the pool but alright.

"We won't do it again!" Reeve tells Ella.

"I promise!" He says again.

Nobody says anything until Reeve speaks again, "Right Owen?"

"Uh ya right." Owen says

"There's no way," Ella says, "I know you'll do it again."

Ella quickly realeses the trigger on the watergun and SOAKS the boys. Reeve and Owen are trying to run away from her, but she's got them.

"ELLA!!!" Owen yells in shock.

Ella's almost rolling over on the ground laughing and I can't help myself laugh the slightest either.

"Haha, got you guys!" she says to them.

Reeve and Owen start walking back into the house while Ella continues laughing. I decide that now would be a great time to go downstairs so I open my bedroom door and begin walking down the stairs.

"What happened to you guys?!" Mom asks the twins.

"Ella!" Owen says as he points at Ella who's walking inside, still laughing.

"Ella really?" Mom asks her.

"Oh my god Mom you should've seen how much they didn't wanna get wet!" Ella says.

"It was hilarious!" She adds.

"I can tell." Mom says sarcastically.

I can't help myself from laughing at this point as I take a seat in one of the barstools at the island.

"You too Hann?" Mom asks.

"It's funny!" I tell her.

"Okay," Mom says, "maybe a bit."

Mom begins to laugh a little and soon all three of us girls are laughing.

"What is going on?!" We all turn our heads to see Trevor staring at us laughing.

"Ella just soaked Reeve and Owen with a watergun and it was hilarious!" I tell him.

Jack walks up behind Trevor and slightly smiles.

"How did you get Mom laughing too?!" Trevor asks.

"I think we all know that Ella probably shouldn't have done that," Mom starts saying, "but it is kinda funny!"

"We're just here to make you all laugh!" Reeve says.

"I mean it helps that you make us laugh." Ella says

"What even did they do?" I ask her.

"I caught them putting the darkest shade of self tanner in my body scrub." She says.

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