The Mouse and the Matchbox

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Over the next few months, Albus settled into Slytherin house even more so with the help of his best mate Scorpius Malfoy. The two were inseparable and troublemakers. Several of Slytherins house points were lost by the two. Both were highly skilled with the broom, charms and advanced in transfiguration.
"how'd you do that so fast?" Alice Longbottom, a Gryffindor first year asked after an exceptionally grueling day of turning mice into matchboxes in Transfiguration. Scorpius and Albus wouldn't have heard her if she had not been standing in front of them. Scorpius looked at Albus confused. Was this girl talking to them? He wondered. Many Gryffindor's still avoid Slytherins under the assumption that they are all power-hungry and evil.
"Well?" she said again, this time with a little more oomph behind her words. She sat her books on the table in front of where Scorpius and Albus were sitting, her large golden hazel eyes on them, she was flustered and had fidgeted with her hair out of frustration to the point that several wild strawberry blonde curls had escaped her loose ponytail.
Albus was happy to see that his friend was finally speaking to him again. The two had grown up together in Godric's Hollow and this is the first time since the sorting she's had spoken to him. Albus shrugged his shoulder, he couldn't begin to tell Alice how he was so good at Transfiguration and didn't want to admit that he and Scorpius fancied the subject and usually spent their nights attempting spells far more advanced than they were.
"Like this" Albus pointed his 10.5 inch Aspen Thunderbird Tail Feathered core Wand at the mouse who was running frantically around the small cage, "Flintifors" he said in a stern voice that sounded years older than he was. The white mouse froze and with a soft POP transformed into a small solid ivory matchbox.
"Brilliant," Alice whispered opening the cage and examining the box. Alice pointed her wand at her mouse and yelled, "Flintifurrrsss" Albus and Scorpius stifled a chuckle. "you're saying it wrong and you're not being direct" Albus and Scorpius critiqued. Scorpius held his wand up to demonstrate but was stopped by Professor Krum, "out with you lot, you'll be late for your next class" he flicked his wand and the mice in cages and matchbox vanished, the three hadn't noticed that the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw first years were settling into their desks. The three left Transfiguration and hurried to the second floor to Charms. Taking a seat in the back with Albus and Scorpius, Alice leaned whispered, "I'm Alice Longbottom by the way" she extended her hand to Scorpius, who was taken back by this gesture of kindness.

"I Scorpius Malfoy" he emphasized his last name so the girl knew she was talking to a Malfoy. "I know" the witch replied still holding her hand out in a gesture of politeness. Scorpius shook her hand "Its nice to meet you Alice." Scorpius hadn't been this happy since he'd gotten his 9in Ebony Unicorn Tail Hair Wand from Ollivander's Wand Shop in Diagon Alley. Two girls from the front of the class turned and glared at their Gryffindor friend in confusion and irritation; there was an empty chair at the end of the row for Alice, who by the looks of it did not intend to move seats.

The class died down as tiny Professor Flitwick stood on his desk and tapped his wand on a pile of books. Blue and bronze sparks flew out the tip of it catching the first year's attention.
"Today" he began in his squeaky voice "we will be covering the art of creating light. I assume you've done your reading and homework on Chapter 5. Pass your parchment to the end of the row." Several students groaned and pulled out their Parchment. "I've failed this" Scorpius said out loud for Alice and Albus to hear, "only managed to get a foot and a half before finishing with 'Lumos is light"' Albus and Alice chuckled, "I don't think you're alone." Several of the papers were shorter than the required two feet. Professor Flitwick frowned and almost inaudibly sighed. Professor Flitwick waved his wand and the curtains closed, leaving the room dimly lit.

"The incantation is 'Lumos'" repeat after me, Lumos," the first years said it together and then individually as Flitwick pointed at them to assure they were annunciating the charm correctly. "Now apply this motion" Flitwick motioned his wand in an upside-down V. Albus and Scorpius lazily followed instructions, "We've been doing this one since we got here," Scorpius said irritably.

"Let's try together now" Flitwick bellowed. Out of sync kids began to yell 'Lumos' most of the wands lit up. Alice turned to the boys beaming. Albus leaned in, "now say NOX and do this" he swished wand in a straight line down towards the desk. Alice followed his instructions, her light going out. "WELL DONE LONGBOTTOM" Flitwick praised as he explained how to do the extinguishing charm. After another forty-five minutes of practicing the wand lighting and extinguishing charms, the class was over.

"You didn't have to do that you know?" Alice said to Albus grabbing the sleeve of his robe. "After... After how awful I've treated you term, I didn't deserve it." Albus saw how sorry Alice was, her golden hazel eyes looked at the floor, not daring to make eye contact with him. "its okay Alice, I understand. Trust me, it was hard for me to accept also." Finally looking at him Alice flung her arms around him nearly knocking Albus to the ground. She had missed her friend and wasn't going to let a lion and serpent symbol come between them any longer. The two glaring girls from the front of the class yelled for her to join them for lunch. Alice said goodbye to Albus and put her hand on Scorpius's shoulder, "it was really nice to meet you Scorpius, ill see you both around." Scorpius and Albus watched as she ran off to meet her fellow Gryffindor friends. "Albus?" Scorpius said sounding somewhat embarrassed, "I've never had many friends. I know that you were or maybe still are upset you are a Slytherin but for the first time in my life I'm happ-" Albus cut him off, "I don't hate being a Slytherin and you're my best mate, now let's go eat." Albus jerked his head towards the stairs, the two boys took off towards the Great Hall with rumbling tummies and drunk on magic.

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