"Let me see if I got this right. Piper is Patton, Payton, and Parker's mom found Selena eating from a dumpster. Josie and Britt were friends in high school, and Selena is Josie's twin. Nora is Britt's younger sister. Jesse is dating Kaxon, who's a cousin. Skylar, who is Jesse's younger sister, is dating Nora's ex-boyfriend who is cousins to Matthew and the guy that Nora chose over Mason, but is single," Kaylee said.

"In a nutshell," Selena said.

"Well, it seems college won't be boring," Kaylee mentioned.

"Not when it involves the Gray family," I reasoned.

"How many brothers are there?" Kaylee asked.

"There are five brothers. Payton is the oldest and dating Josie. Parker, who is my boyfriend. Patton dates Britt. Paxton is gay and dating Shaun. Then you have the youngest, Presley," Selena explained.

"And who is Presley dating?" Kaylee asked.

The girls became quiet, confusing Kaylee.

"Presley is the one who lost his girlfriend in a fire," I answered.

"Oh," Kaylee responded with surprise. "I'm sorry to hear that."

The girls didn't say much.

"What about you?" I asked. "Are you dating someone?"

"I did, but guys have a weird issue when you're grieving the loss of your brother," Kaylee mentioned, surprising us. "My brother died on the job, and it was rough. My ex couldn't deal with comforting me. So, I kicked him to the curb and focused on becoming a paramedic."

"You seem like you're handling everything well," Jesse mentioned.

"It took time, but David told me that you grieve, then get back to it. He made me promise if something ever happened to him, that I wouldn't wallow," Kaylee explained.

I had to give it to Kaylee. She handles things a lot better than most people.

"That is enough of a somber mood. We're here to enjoy ourselves," Kaylee said.

We spent the evening having fun and dancing. I will admit that this was better than staying home, moping over my non-existence love life. Who knows? Maybe there's hope for me yet.


It felt good to get out and have fun. I spent so much time studying and training that I forgot what it's like to have fun. The problem is we had a little too much fun and were a little tipsy. Scratch that, we were drunk.

"Ooh, we should visit my boyfriend," Selena said.

"Follow the leader!" Britt yelled, pointing at Selena.

We followed and laughed. I didn't know where we were going but followed the others. We came to a house. Selena rapped on the door.

"Parker! You sexy beast! Come get me!" Selena yelled.

We laughed.

The door opened, and a guy looked at us. I focused on the guy, and he was hot. He had steel-grey eyes.

"Are you drunk?" The guy asked us.

"No," Selena said, swaying, moving her hand in front of her.

"Selena's lying! Ooh, you told a lie. I'm telling Mom and Dad," Josie announced.

We laughed as the guy shook his head and walked away. I don't know who that was, but he was cute. The guy returned with three other guys.

"Christ, Selena," a guy exclaimed.

The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(Wattpad Version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat