"I get it, Claire. But you just don't have to care about it. There's nothing they can do to you. Have some questions been asked?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, apparently there are some who want to know who that boy is and so they're looking for the mama. So, to you."


"I told Alex not to walk with Merlin anymore."

"Maybe fine. Does Silas know?"

"I don't think so. I haven't talked about it with him yet. I'm going to have to hang up, Robin. See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow. Give them all a big kiss from me there."

"I will and you will do it there, mine.

I've arrived at our house in the meantime. I think I'd best tell Silas.


"In the kitchen."

"Hey, can we talk? I'm tired of telling you something."

"Ok, and I'm tired of telling you something, too."

We're going to the living room while Mom, Sam and Merlin are in the kitchen.

"I don't know how to say it, but there's something strange about twitter."

"Let me guess; mini Harry Styles?"

"You already know about it? How that?"

"I saw it on TV today. The photo is apparently shared worldwide. It's so well known that it even comes on TV."

"Wtf?! On TV? Now they're going too far. Can't we do anything to make sure they leave Merlin alone? Can we take the picture off the internet?" I stand up and start waving my arms. This isn't fun anymore. They're going to find out Harry's the daddy, then what?

"Quiet, quiet. Why are you so worried?", asks Silas.

"What's going on?", asks Mom who's coming up. She heard me yell.

"Mama, can we talk?"

"Sure, let's go outside."

"I'll explain to you later, Silas." I'll give him a kiss on his lips and then go out with Mom.

"What's going on now?"

"There's a picture of Merlin on the internet and they say he looks like Harry Styles," I say sighing.

"Oh no, darling. Come here." She pulls me in my hug. Finally, someone who understands why I'm freaking out.

"It started on Twitter and now show it's already on TV. Apparently, they're also looking for the mama, me, to know who Merlin is." I'm starting to cry slightly.

"Why are you crying? Are you scared?"

"Yes, what if they find out he's the daddy? They're already suspecting something. I mean if Harry ever finds out then not like that."

"Then there's only one thing on it; Say it. Maybe start with the family and your friends."

I'll give Mom another big hug and then go back inside. Silas immediately stands with Merlin in his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, we can go to the bedroom?", I ask with a trembling voice.

Silas gives Merlin to Sam; they've become very good friends. He's following me to our room. We're going to sit on the bed.

"Promise you'll let me speak out and get angry?", I ask.

"Angry?" "Do you promise?" "Yes, I promise." He looks at me with a frown.

The son of Harry Styles {EN}Where stories live. Discover now