Chapter 24 - Miss Fairy Tail Contest

Start from the beginning

"Next up is Mirajane Strauss." Max announced and the entire crowd erupted into a roar as she made her way to center stage.

"I'm gonna perform some magic for you guys." She smiled, And the crowd cheered again. She seems like a favorite to win this and she hasn't even done anything yet. She took in a deep breath and her head transformed, and the crowd gasped. Okay maybe not.

"Hey!" Gajeel angrily shout from behind the crowd. "Don't steal my face!"

Mirajane laughed as her head returned to normal. "Let me try something a little cuter this time." The crowd cheered. Maybe she'll still win... I stand corrected. You could feel the disappointment in the room.

"Hey, I think she looks cute!" Happy shouts.

"Alright folks give a warm round of applause for tonight's last contestant, Dimaria Yesta!"

Dimaria walks out onto stage wearing a red crop top and a matching red skirt. Well that's certainly new for her. She clicks her tongue causing time and everyone but her and you to stop moving. "(Y/n) do I really have to do this?"

"Yes." Her cheeks get a little flushed. "Are you embarrassed?" She scowls and clicks her tongue again, un freezing time.

She moves her hands from behind her back, and she's holding three small balls. "I-I'm going to j-ju..."

"You're not going to be doing anything new girl." Someone cuts her off, and a girl with light brown hair, wearing a green frilly dress, with wing like things coming off the back of it.

"Evergreen, what do you want?"

"How can you have a miss Fairy Tail contest without me. Either way this little contest is over, and I'm the winner."

"Oh thank the heavens." Dimaria breathed a sigh of relief.

"What was that newbie?"

"Dimaria don't look into her eyes!" Gray shouts but it was to late, and Dimaria already had, and she was turned to stone.

"Dimaria!" You jump up. "What in the hell do you think your doing?"

"Don't get your panties in a bunch." Laxus and the rest of his goons appear on stage. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to the rest of them, now would you." Laxus drops the curtain revealing the other girls have also been turned to stone.

"Laxus what is the meaning of this?" Master Makarov spoke with anger in his voice.

"I'm holding a little contest of my own."

"What are talking about Laxus?" Gray shouts.

"With all the new recruits we're getting, I think it's the perfect time we finally find out who's the strongest member of the guild, and why don't we make the entire city our battle field." Laxus laughs. "You have three hours, if we don't have a winner by then all these pretty little girls will be reduced to dust." Laxus turn into lightning and leaves the guild hall, quickly followed by his goons.

"What is everyone standing here for, we have to save the girls!" Gray leads the rest of the guild out of the guild hall, as they all screamed and roared. Natsu was in the back of the pack, and he runs into an invisible wall, while the others charged ahead.

"Ow, what was that?" Natsu gets up and places his hands on something. "Hey Master Makarov, What's going on?"

Master Makarov walks over to the exit, and runes flash across. "The barriers are absolute and can only be removed by the caster, no one over eighty shall pass this barrier." Makarov read aloud. "This must be Freed's doing." Makarov scowls. "I can't pass through, but why can't you, surely your not in your eighties."

"Laxus must have added something so he wouldn't have to fight me. That coward."

Makarov turns back around, and reads the new runes that appeared. "A fight between Alzack, Jet and Droy has begun." A look of saddness feels him as he reads the next line of runes. "Alzack is the winner."

"That was fast Natsu comments."

"They must be using barriers hidden through out the city, forcing them to fight." Makarov grew angry. "(Y/n)! Go put a stop to this!"

"Dimaria, this is my fault... I promise I won't let them do anything else." You step back from Dimaria, and clench your fists. "With pleasure." Fire ignites around your hands are you rush towards the door.

Laxus sits in a giant chair. "How long will the old man be able stand to seeing his children fight one another."

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