I Forgive You

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"I can't believe you!" May snapped, slamming the door into his side. "I mean, what is wrong with you!" She turned, wagging a finger in his face. "Do you just not trust me or something?" She asked, hands on hips and a little red and white bow bouncing on her top of her perfect caramel hair.

Brendan frowned, taking off his spiky white cap and revealing his dark brown hair. His ruby-brown eyes glanced at the floor or at the ceiling, anywhere where his fiance wasn't. "Its not that at all-"

"What is it then, Brendan?" May barked. "Why did you feel the need to eavesdrop on me?"

He couldn't answer that. There was no need. What he did was wrong and he knew it. He knew it when he thought about it, he knew it when he did it and he knew it right now. She had every right to be angry. She had every right to glare at him with her beautiful sapphire eyes. She had every right to scream and shout at what he had done.

"I'm sorry," Brendan managed to look at her but he didn't like what he saw. She wasn't angry, she wasn't sad. It was worse, much worse. She was disappointed.

"Brendan-" May paused, catching her breath and bringing a hand up toward her forehead, rubbing her temples. "Do you trust me?" She asked without looking at him, as if she knew the answer.

"Of course-"

"No!" May shouted. "Yes, or no. Do you trust me?"

"I-I," Brendan clutched onto his spiky white hat as if it was a shield to protect him from Mable's unrivalled rage. "Oh crap." Brendan threw his hat onto the ground and collapsed onto the chair. He sank deep into it and covered his face with his hands. "Oh my god." He mumbled into his fingers. "I'm such an idiot."

"Yes, you bloody are." May folded her arms and looked down on him as a Poochyena looks down on his pray. "You're a massive dumb ass."

"I know, I know." Brendan felt water retreating from his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Brendan, I don't care if you ruined a really important meeting, I don't care if you embarrassed me in front of every gym leader in the whole bloody region. I don't even care that you upset one of my closest friends. I'm upset because you think that I'm attracted to him." She shook her head as if the idea was insane.

"Talk to me." May asked, desperately. "Because if you don't, this relationship will not work-"

"Oh, Arceus!" Brendan smashed the back of his head into the chair. "May, don't say that. Please, just don't." He leaned forward and rubbed his weary eyes.

"Talk to me." May repeated. "Bren-"

"It's not you." Brendan started, cutting her off. "It's everyone else, okay." He turned to her, eyes filling up. "You're absolutely amazing, as a champion, as a person and as a friend. Your stunning. Not like beautiful or gorgeous, your unbelievable and I'm not,"


"No! Wait, let me finish!" Brendan urged and she gestured for him to carry on. "I'm a nobody, a nothing. I'm not good looking, I'm not a powerful trainer. I didn't save the world, twice. I'm not some contest performer or an elite trainer. I'm not even a good boyfriend, fiance or whatever, probably a terrible husband too. I'm not special." He sighed. "I don't deserve anything near you. Nothing even close and that's why I'm so scared of losing you to these better people. I'm terrified that you'll finally wake up and see how rubbish I am. And maybe it would be best if-"

"Shut it." May snapped, she was mad, no, furious. If steam could vent from her ears they would. She boiled and her cheeks flashed red but then she stopped and bit down hard onto her trembling lip. Her eyes filled with glistening tears and her nose shook. She unfolded her arms and very slowly, very carefully sat down next to Brendan on the  arm of the chair and burst into tears.

"May?" Brendan placed a hand onto her back and held her as she cried streams of tears into her little hands. "May? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry!" She screamed to him. "Brendan, I'm so sorry."

"May, there's nothing to be upset about. It's all my-"

"No, dummy!" May pulled her head up and covered her mouth. "It's all my fault. This is all me-"

"No!" Brendan snapped. "Don't blame yourself, that the last thing I want-"

"Don't you get it!" May asked, fighting back more tears. "My job is to make you feel special. It's up to me make you think your the most important person in the world. And you are the most important person in the world to me." She squeezed his hand. "I've been a terrible girlfriend." May admitted although Brendan disagreed and shook his head. "I've not given you enough of my time or anything. No wonder you were worried!" She smacked her face. "I've been such an idiot."

"May, don't say that." Brendan got down from the chair and onto his knees, holding her hand tightly. "You're not a terrible girlfriend, you're amazing. I've been a rubbish partner, a rubbish sidekick-"

"You're not my sidekick, Brendan." May let her head fall onto the top of his. "And you shouldn't think you are. That's not right." She leaned up and took a long breath. "You should be my partner, my best friend, the one person I rely on the most and I've made you think your nothing but an add on, a extra, an expansion of me. That's what you think you are, and that's wrong." She wiped her eyes. "You complete me." May added with a little smile.

"No." Brendan smiled. "We complete each other."

They both wiped their eyes and dryer their tears, then Brendan climbed back onto the seat and May slipped into his lap, her head pressed against his own.

"Let's make a deal." May whispered, "I'll spend all my life, trying to do what's best for you? Trying to make you happy?"

"That's not a fair deal." Brendan whispered back. "How about this? I spend my life trying to please you and you spend your life trying to please me?"

They both laughed. "You can't go wrong with that." May chuckled. "I love you, Brendan."

"I love you, May." Brendan repeated, playing with the bottom of her short caramel hair. "I'm sorry for being a jealous jerk."

"And I'm sorry for being a negligent fiance." May responded, turning her lips towards his own and kissing him perfectly. "I forgive you."

Brendan pulled her head back and kissed her in reply. "I forgive you, too."

Crimson Bluesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें