Ruin and Rubble

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"Just a little further!" Nate called as he pulled himself up another mossy covered ledge. He dusted himself off and turned to Rosa who was gazing at the wall he had just climbed effortlessly, knowing she couldn't replicate the skill and precision he had shown throughout their journey together. "You can make it."

Rosa turned to him, smiled and then attempted to climb up the wall. She clambered onto a rock, tried to jump up towards a ledge with a large hole where a stone once was. She managed to keep a hand onto the ledge and reached up with her free arm as Nate used his own, strong muscular arms to pull her up onto the wall he was standing on.

Rosa took a breath as she looked down to the grassy floor below. "Wow, I actually made it." She turned to Nate, rested her hands onto his strong chest and leaned her head against his shoulder. "With a little help." She added quietly, closing her eyes as she nestled her face into his sweaty neck.

Nate couldn't help but smile and wrapped his arms around her back, rubbing it gently as he placed his chin onto her brown hair. "We're nearly there." He pulled away and enthusiastically waved her to follow, although Rosa would have preferred a few more minutes in the embrace, Nate was an adventure and as always, didn't always have time for waiting. 

Not that she minded, of course.

He looked out over the wall towards the other ruins, took off his cap, ran a hand through his short, spiky, black hair and placed his hands onto his hips. Turning to her he said: "Just over this next bit, and we will be there!" He could barely contain his excitement.

"And where would that be?" Rosa asked, making her eyes big.

"You'll see." Nate winked at her and she wanted to faint.

"Damn, you're hot." Rosa mumbled out as he began walking on top of the wall and towards a cave which was hidden under some undergrowth. Rosa watched him push some branches and leaves out of the way and clear a path before standing to attention and gesturing for her to continue through at the side of the cave entrance.

Rosa suspiciously entered the cave and walked through, following the cave walls which turned and headed towards the literal light at the end of the tunnel. She held her hands close to her chest as she approached the blinding sunlight and slowly stepped through into a grass verge.

"Wow." Rosa whispered as the glorious view appeared before her.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Nate added with a cheeky smile.

Before them was a large and picturesque waterfall which gently fell into a valley and formed a lake. Below them was flowers for as far as the eyes could see and trees of all different colours and shades of green. Pokemon squeaked at each other effortlessly and the sounds of birds singing filled the skies.

"I've never imagined anything like this." Rosa couldn't help but glance around at every glorious thing. "It's unbelievable."

"And yet," Nate pulled out a picnic basket which he had hidden behind a rock and placed it down. "It won't ever be as amazing as you." He looked up to her and shook his head, as if he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

"Shut up." Rosa asked, desperately not wanting him to. "Or you can keep going."

"I know I'm not much of a cook, but," Nate pulled out a blanket for her to sit on and then various packets of food which he placed very carefully into the blanket.

"Your mum's?" Rosa lifted up a tray of sandwiches, recognising the triangles cuts in the bread and the lack of crusts. "You even-"

"I even got her to take the crusts off." Nate laughed, feeling embarrassed that his mother had to help him. "I'm sorry I didn't do it-"

"Don't be stupid." Rosa took a bit and and exclaimed happily through the food in her mouth. "Its so good!" She laughed, covering in her mouth with her fragile little hand. "Aw, Nate!" She through herself into her arms.

"I'm glad you like it." Nate embraced her tightly and cupped the bun of black hair on the back of her head as he always did. "Happy birthday." He whispered, kissing her cheek. She pulled back, blushing brightly, she then wiped her cheek and watched him for a moment. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing." Rosa replied, moving towards him and kissing him on the lips for the first time. Nate kissed her back and the two separated, both turning an even bright shade of red. Rosa giggled and Nate gawked at her, open mouth.

Suddenly his face dropped and he began rapidly searching around, looking desperately for something. "Where is it?" He barked. "Where did it go?"

"What's wrong?" Rosa asked, worried.

"Dammit," Nate slammed his head into the palm of his hand. "I screwed up, big time." He mumbled. "I'm so sorry, but I left your present at home." He covered his face in shame and turned away from her.

Rosa simply smiled and pulled away his hands, revealing his handsome but sad face and welling eyes. He automatically glanced away but Rosa's fingers pulled his chin toward her and she kissed him gently on the lips. "That," She whispered as she pulled away, "Is the best gift I could ever have." Rosa grinned and shifted a strand of spiky black hair from Nate's face.

Rosa always thought of herself as someone who would plan and think before acting, but for whatever reason, today she decided to follow her charming and loving boyfriend and let her voice run free.

"I love you," She whispered effortlessly. "Nathan."

Nate was caught of guard and immediately opened his mouth, although this time he paused, sealing his lips while he thought. He then placed a strong hand into the side of her pretty face and twisted his head slightly before finally saying:

"I love you, too."

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