Sand and Sea

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Moon sat on the concrete wall and sighed as loud as she could. Her little legs dangled off the wall towards the large beach which was as empty as the sky was crowded with stars. The shore was littered with people celebrating another one of Alola's many festivals.

"Are you going to stay up there all night?" Sun asked knowing the answer.

"Dude, the sand has breached my shoes and quiet possibly my skin as well." Moon barked back, her face still resting on her hands. "And I'm actually sweating in places where I didn't even know I could sweat. It's quiet disgusting actually." She sniffed her armpit and was physically and dramatically repulsed.

"Thanks, Moo." Sun rubbed his eyes. "Look, your never going to make any friends if you don't get involved-"

"I don't need friends." Moon grunted back. "I'm fine, here. You go enjoy the damn party, okay?" She waved him away with her little hands but he placed his hands onto his hips and gave her the 'authority look' which meant he wasn't playing around. She hated that look. "Genuinely, I'm fine."

"I will drag your sorry ass of that wall." Sun stated as if it was almost fact.

Moon giggled. "Sure you will." She taunted him. "I bet you can't even reach!"

"At least I'm taller than you, Tiny." Sun growled back as he approached the wall but Moon lifted her legs up and crossed them so he couldn't reach her. "Damn."

"Outsmarted." Moon stated happily, closing her eyes and pretending to mediate while her older brother rolled his eyes at her and took a long, loud and deep breath.  "Giving up so easily?" Moon added, taunting him.

"Not just yet." Sun turned to her and smiled. "I may not be able to reach you," He smirked, walked towards the wall and relaxed against it. "But I can spoil the end of your book."

Moon glared at him, open mouthed. "You wouldn't!" She snapped defensively.

"You know I would." Sun lent against the wall even more, picking at one of his finger nails with his thumb and gazing across the beach towards the glistening light blue waters. "It's quite a plot twist-"

Moon crashed into the sand, immediately hating every grain of the yellow dust which sunk into her trainers. Sun twisted his head and nodded happily at her pain and anger. She grunted something at him, she wasn't even sure what, and marched towards the crowds in the distance. 

Sun pushed himself off the wall and followed proudly. "That's my girl." He sang placing a hand onto her shoulder which she couldn't even be bothered to shake off.

"I hate this." Moon muttered.  And sometimes, I hate you. She thought.

The festival was full of people celebrating, cheering and worst of all, terrible and weird dancing, and not in a good way. In the middle of the dance floor was a professor without a top and a large fury four-legged Pokémon. Around him were people clapping, a few of whom Moon recognised.

Mallow for example, was a tall, green haired teenager who had taken a interest into Moons, brother, Sun. Too much interest for Moons liking. 'She was as shallow as she was mallow.' A joke Moon had made several times to Sun despite his refusal to laugh. Maybe it wasn't Mallows flawed personality which made Moon despite her, perhaps it was the never-ending tanned legs or her painfully tiny frame.

Moon herself was small, a bit too curvy and never really felt thin. Sun told her it was all in her head and that, if she, as his twin, wasn't beautiful, then how come he was? The logic sort-of-but didn't really make sense but she still denied it.

Sun's confidence seemingly came from nowhere. He was not a very tall guy, like Moon wasn't a very tall girl, and yet he worked hard on his body and had a charming but also mysterious personality. Moon herself was more introverted and would love to spend her days reading in her room or watching television, Sun would spend his life outside chatting or leading or being useful and enterprising. She was jealous of her brother in the best way.

"Sunny." Moon called to him with a smile. He turned, raising an eyebrow and expecting an excuse or something else which could get her away from any sort of person. "Thanks." She stated simply.

Sun stared at her motionless for a moment, not even taking a breath before he replied. "No problem." He nodded. "Now, stop stalling."

The people cheered and the fire pits, the dancing, the singing, the crowds, the faces, everything loomed closer and closer, but Moon wasn't feeling the heat anymore. She wasn't sweating, she didn't feel the dang between her socks, she didn't feel anything but a calm like the middle of the glistening blue sea.

She may not like people, but she loved her brother.

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