the party: taylor and dallon

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wait, what do you mean you messed up? what happened?

i was drunk and it just happened. i didn't mean to hurt him

taylor calm down. go back to the beginning and tell me what happened so i can understand and help you.

okay. well, it was when the party was in full motion. i was a bit tipsy when dallon came to me.

oh god tay, what did you do?

please let me finish. anyway he came over to help me because the crowd was getting too much

"Taylor! Congratulations!"

Taylor have a tight smile and nodded. She sipped her drink, her third drink to be exact, and was already feeling the effects of the alcohol. She rubbed her head as she felt the oncoming headache.

"Hey, you okay Tay?"


Taylor could not think of anyone better than him to be helping her. He was always her savior in any situation where she needed saving.

"Hey Dal..." her words slurred a bit as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Dallon just chuckled back and gently grabbed her hand. He led Taylor out of the crowd and into the backyard. Brendon had the yard set up with string lights for the event. He wanted to woo Ryan with any decoration he could think of. It was a nice touch to his boring backyard.

Taylor sat down in one of the chairs and curled up in one of the chairs. She sat her head in her arms and let out a long sigh.

"This is all too much."

Dallon looked over with worry. He knelt in front of the chair and laid a hand on Taylor's knee. He stroked the cap with his thumb because he knew how much it comforted her.

"I know, but think about how relieved you feel now that the single is it out! You don't have to fuss over it anymore! People love it!"

Taylor just sighed, "now I have to worry about the damn album. People criticized me so much for writing about my relationships on Red, this will be no different. It's all going to get worst. People are going to hate me mo-."

"Stop that."

Taylor took a shaky breath and lifted her head up to look at the man kneeling in front of her. Dallon always knows how to shut her up when her brain gets ahead of her and tries to knock her down. One is the perks of being long time friends is that they knew you all too well.

"Dallon, I just... maybe they are right? What's so special about me? Just another girl writing about her usual relationship turmoil. What do I actually have to offer?"

Dallon furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fists, "Jesus fucking christ Taylor, everything!"

The blonde's eyes widen. She has never heard Dallon yell before, and it was frightening. Taylor understands why Brendon never wants to push Dallon's buttons.

Dallon stood up and ran a hand through his hair, he huffed out a frustrated breath and looked back at Taylor, "you have so much to offer! Y-You are just what they need right now! Your lyrics are new and fresh! Your music doesn't follow the stupid guidelines! You're kind and thoughtful unlike most of the people in that damn industry! I-I hate when you talk about yourself like this! Do you know how hard it is to watch the girl you love put herself down?!"


Dallon's body stiffened. He was so still, he could be a mannequin. He cursed himself for his big mouth and not thinking before speaking.

This wasn't suppose to go this way.

His voice became shaky as he spoke, "I-I uh... I didn't want you to find out this way."

Taylor shook her head and stood up, "Dal-."

"I am in love with you. I-I think I... no, I'm sure I have been since I first met you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I fell in love. I know I shouldn't, especially because you're my best friend but I can't help it! Taylor you are so hard to fall out of love with, it's nearly impossible," Dallon breathed out.

Taylor remained silent, her shoulders started shaking. Yet, Dallon did not take notice.

"I know that's a lot to take in, and I'm sorry for that whole mouthful but you needed to kno-."


Taylor bent over and began to laugh. Unable to stop herself as she got lost in the emotion. Dallon on the other hand did not laugh. The only movement his mouth made was his bottom lip slightly wobbling.

"Why... why are you laughing?" Dallon whispered. His heart was to scared to find out though.

Taylor wiped her tears as her laughter died down. The alcohol slowly took over her brain and pushed out her words.

"Dallon, that's a really funny joke. A good one dude!" She chuckled.

Dallon's hands started getting shaking and he suddenly wanted to disappear forever. This wasn't exactly how he imagined his confession to go. If anything, he may have been a bit too hopeful and was preparing himself for her to confessing that she feels the same way. Even if she didn't, he also prepared himself for a gentle let down because that is what Taylor is. Gentle.

At least, that's what he thought.

"I um... I'm not-."

"Dallon seriously, I can't take it if you say that again. My laugh box may expire!"

That was the final straw.

With a huff, Dallon shook his head and headed for the door. Not even looking back as Taylor called for him. He didn't want to feel even more humiliated by looking at her tears from laughing. From joking!

Since when were his feelings a fucking joke?

Since when was he a fucking joke?

Dallon was glad he got that damn confession out of the way. Now he didn't need need to worry anymore about how she feels because he can see the picture clearly.

And it was the ugliest picture he has ever seen.


welp, that happened.
have a good day!


Cruel Summer | rydenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon